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"We've got 4 hours ahead of us, so everyone get comfy." Nat puts the quinjet in auto pilot, before jumping over the side of the seat leaving James. In the back was Steve, Sam, Bruce and I. I could feel Steve peeking over at me every so often, probably waiting for me to join the conversation. I didn't have anything to contribute though.

"It's the next best thing!" Sam yells.

"Jazz, Sam. Jazz." Bruce glares at him over his tablet.

"I agree with Bruce." Steve points his thumb over at the scientist.

"That's because your 100 years old. Actually 100 years old!" Sam groans.

I roll my eyes at all of them, and leave the back to sit in the front. My mind can't take all this crazy. Sliding into the captains spot, i slouch down, sticking my feet on the dash of the jet.

Staring out into the sky was calming. The golden light the sun casts over the top of the clouds, a own personal haven for those able to witness it. I prefer driving, or riding my bike, but sometimes it's nice to get a change of perspective.

Zoning out, too occupied in my own head, I feel something plop in my lap. Looking down I see a plum.



She looks over at me, brows slightly tilted.

"Thought you'd be hungry." I gruff out. Her face relaxes, and she brings it to her lips, wrapping them around the side, tearing a piece off. I feel my gut tighten slightly as I watch her tongue wipe off the juices off her lips, which were oddly perfect. Get it together. You don't even know her. I turn and look through the window again, feeling the collar of my suit begin to feel tight.

"Thank you." She whispers. I peek back over, seeing a small smile on her face as she stares out the window, munching on the plum.

The more I stare at her side profile, the more little details show. Hair tucked behind her ear, confidence. I noticed when she walked into a room all eyes would travel to her. It doesn't surprise me though. She was smart. Or at least, less arrogant than the other Stark. She held this air around her like she owned the room. Talking when needed, minimal hand movements. Elegance.

Her eyes drift over to mine, and I freeze. She lets out a little giggle, hand covering her mouth. I look down, too awkward to do anything else.

"Is it the piercings?" She asks. I look at her and squint, confused. "Most people stare at them." She tosses her hair back, showing all the silver in her ear off. I counted eight, and who knows how many were on the other side. "I got a few after graduation, then the rest slowly here and there." She smiles. "My friends were getting other things pierced," her brows raise, making me question again. She notices, and stifles a laugh. She pats her chest. Don't look down. Not knowing what she meant, all I did was nod.

"Why?" I question. I knew Nat had a few, but she normally only wore them at fancy things Tony hosted.

"Why all the piercings, or why did my friends get, ya know.." She tilts her head slightly, hair falling next to her face. I point to my ear, mimicking hers. "I don't really know." She looks at her hands. "At first it was just to rebel a little. I got some of them when I got my tattoos, and then after..." her words trail off, a frown forming on her lips. Did I ask something wrong?

"They look.." I rack my brain for a word. They were placed around her ear like constellations, I liked them, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "Fun." Her eyes drift back to mine.

"Fun?" She giggles. I look down, feeling my chest tighten a little. Asthma? "Thank you, James." Nodding, we both look back out the windows, silence filling the cockpit again. It was comfortable though. James. It felt good to hear my name.



"Hey, Ness," Nat walks her way to the front, leaning over my seat. "Should we go braids or tails today?" She smiles.

"Whatever you want to do." I smile back, standing to go finish getting ready. As we walk to the back, Sam and Steve are discussing something in hushed voices. Hearing James's name pop up, my ears tune in.

"He's going quiet again." Steve sighs.

"You know he struggles. All you can do is be there." Sam consoles.

"It's hard when I have no idea what it's like, what it was like being locked up all those years." I knew James was the Winter Soldier, and how Hydra made him into a meat puppet. It wasn't unknown. And when reading over his files, it tore my heart a little. No one deserves to suffer like that.

"Hey," Nat taps my arm, grabbing my attention again.

"Right." I sit in front of her, letting her choose how to do my hair. I never was one of those girls who worried about makeup, or their hair. I just like having it out of my way on missions, but still a few strands would escape. Stupid hair.

"Yo," Sam hollars over Steve, a smirk on his face. "Can I get my hair done? Or do I need to make an appointment?" He chuckles, making Steve smile up at him, the over to me.

"It'll cost ya." I giggle.

"Anything for the lady." Sam winks. I roll my eyes, huffing another laugh.

Sam was the heart on usual missions, always getting a laugh out of everyone. It was something I missed. I missed the banter between everyone, Steve always calling people out for bad language, Nat gently talking shit on everyone. It would usually be the four of us, sometimes Clint joining, but he 'retired'. That's what they all say. Him and Nat would joke about old missions, especially Budapest. Who really knows what happened there.

But now James was here. He was quiet, reserved. Maybe that's how he was from the beginning. Sam would make jokes about his staring problems, but I think it's because for so long that's all he could do. Just watch. Watch the world around him change, watch what he did, watch his back. Silently sitting in your mind, no will or way to speak, to think. Just slide your eyes over faces, watching for the next thing. I think that's why I felt like I understood him a little. In some way it made me drawn to him, like he understood me too.

Soon enough Nat pats my shoulder, taking a step away from me.

"There we go." She smiles, strutting back to the cockpit, passing James along her way.

"Looks nice." Bruce grins over at me. I stand, letting my hands slap my legs. I walk over, kissing his cheek as I pass him to finish getting ready.

"Thank you Brucey." I smile.

"She gets to call you Brucey? But we can't?" Sam's offended tone makes me giggle, but Bruce's response makes me laugh harder.

"She's pretty. Your-" he waves his hands in Sam's face. "Not."

"Suit up guys." Steve breaks off the banter, standing a few steps from me.

I check over my essentials, making sure the mags are full, tucking them into their holsters. Pulling all the hidden knives out, checking to see if I need to sharpen any. I knew I didn't, but it was habit I suppose.

"You ready?" Steve asks me, grabbing his shield off the rack.

"Too late to turn around now." I smirk at him. He gently smiles back, but his eyes don't match. "What?" He pauses, looking at my face. Stop staring.

"Nothing." He looks down, fiddling with his belt. "Just wanna make sure your good to go." His eyes flick to mine.

"I'm good." I answer. Liar. Did I want to go back into a Hydra Base, no. Did I have a choice, kinda. Was I going to let my friends go without me, of course not.

"Alrighty guys!" Nat yells from the front of the jet, clicking buttons, getting ready to land. We all turn and look at each other, assessing what tasks go to who. I look around the guys, seeing Bruce in his cardigan and old man shoes. Sam and his red goggles on, flicking things around on his wrist. My eyes go to James, and nothing shows on his face. Me too James. Me too.

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