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"Where do think she'd go?" James swiftly walks behind me, keeping up just fine with my hobbling.

"She couldn't gotten far." I look down the streets, looking for anything standing out. But we end up in the middle of a four way, unsure where to go now. I just wanted to scream out her name to try and find her. I step wonky, making my wound send a jolt of pain through my body. I've been stabbed before, but never in the gut. This shit hurts. "James." I turn and look at him, grabbing one of his shoulders, holding my side. "You need to find her."

"I know she's your friend, but-" I cut him off, doubling over in nauseating pain.

"I can't lose more people." I cry out, nearly dropping to my knees. Breathe.

"We need to get you to the jet." He bends down to level with me, but Sam's voice cuts into our ears.

"I've got sights on one. Heading south, 13th meets with 14th." Sam's voice leaves, then Clint's cuts in.

"On it." I look at James, feeling deflated almost.

"James.. Please..." I beg him. His jaw tightens, looking down the road, debating if it was worth it. He turns back to me, looking down at my wound quickly.

"You owe me." He reached into his suit pocket, pulling out a wad of gaze. Could have given this to me sooner.

"Thank you." I squeeze his hand before he takes off running in the direction Sam said.

But I feel bad. I'm sorry for lying James. He was gonna kill me, but I knew she wasn't that way. I could sense her up the street. I couldn't risk her life, not with anyone. Hell, I owe her my life. So I start limping my way towards her. I will save you Darya.



I reach the street, pulling my gun back out, scanning my eyes for any signs of life. I look up to the rooftops, catching a glance of Clint. How the hell does she expect me to do this? I've been in her position. Sorta. Even as the winter soldier, I knew deep down I couldn't kill Steve. Seeing his face and getting a small memory from him, it exposed me to freedom. And I was forever grateful. I knew what it was like to be Darya. Your only half way in your mind, trying to complete a mission. I just hoped Inessa had a plan if we got her.

"Entered a building right around the corner, left side." Sam calls.

"Got it." I answer him.

"Heads up! Another heading same street towards your parade." I can hear Tony's suit fly closer, making me look up at Clint.

"I've got inside." Clint grunts through the ear piece while swinging his way through an open window. I turn around waiting for the other to arrive, readying my gun.

"Are we taking these guys out?" Nat asks in everyone's ears.

"If necessary." Tony answers. Around that time one of the Red Borns runs around the corner skidding to halt when seeing me.

"Do I shoot?" I ask creeping me way closer. I knew it wasn't Darya, this one was too tall. And I'm glad I realized that, because Nat jumped onto the roof, taking a shot at them, making their body drop to the ground.

"Take them all out." Steve's voice yells.

"You alright, Capscicle?" Tony flies towards Steve's direction, also concerned from his yelling.

"They're bombs."

"What?" Nat, Clint, and Sam all quirked at Steve's words.

"The Red Borns are human bombs." He groans.

"How do you know?" Tony questions him, making sure he knew what he was saying.

"Found a small head quarters. Files everywhere, also one already, ya know.." Steve mumbles the last part of his sentence. Great. I quickly remember the other in the building, who I assume Clint is currently tied up with. I spin and race my ass to the building, racing up the stairs, not taking the time to clear the floors. I reach the second floor, hearing grunts and groans from down the hall, and as I turn to run towards them, the one flies against the wall, slamming down onto the floor. Too short. This wasn't Darya, so we were so far so good. I felt like Goldie Locks. Too tall, too short, blah blah.

"You got 'em?" I ask Clint, seeing him step out of the room, standing over their body.

"Got 'em." He nods, pulling his bow out. Great. I trudge back down the stairs, stepping outside again.

"How many are there?" Nat asks, walking past me on the street.

"Three." Steve answers.

"Just one now." Clint corrects. Just one. Darya was the only one left, making her the main target now.



I see a Darya standing in the middle of the road, clutching at her sides. Me too, though, you stabbed me first. I pick up the pace a little, worried I would lose my friend. She was imprisoned with me while I was stuck at a Hydra facility. We were experimented, poked and prodded, and even had training together. She was the one that kept me sane, helped me keep fighting to leave.

She drops to her knees, only a few yards away from me.

"Darya." I call to her, making her turn and face me. I clutch my side, feeling more blood, feeling dizzy. I only manage to get a few steps closer to her before I collapse on my own knees. "Darya.." I reach my hand out to her.

"I should have been me." Her voice is hoarse, wheezing from pain. But she didn't have to say anything, she was right. It should have been her.

"Yes." I agreed, feeling my head grow heavy on my shoulders. "It should have been you." I crawl a few feet closer to her, still reaching my hand out. "But you don't have to suffer. Not anymore. I'm here to help. To-" A sharp pain knocks the breath out of me, and I barely catch my body on my hands. "Fuck.." I groan. I take a few breaths, keeping my eyes open, focused on saving her. I lift my head, looking at her mask. "To do what I should have done sooner."

I see something move behind her, making me lean slightly to see what it was. Some random man started walking closer to us, and Darya turns and sees who it is, slowly crawling backwards away from him. My vision is starting to go blurry, but when he gets close enough I realize who it is. Отец.

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