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"So, there we were. Walking away from an explosion." Clint clears his throat, trying to keep a straight face while everyone else is laughing. "And mind you, this is Budapest."

"We're just now hearing this story?" Sam shoves food into his mouth, making his cheeks full. Clint rolls his eyes, making the rest of us laugh, even Nat let's out a giggle.

"So, Ness." Tony looks at me wiping his hands. "Got any fun stories?" Everyone turns to Inessa, some eating, some smiling.

"Uhm." She leans back into her chair, propping her feet on the table.

"Tell them about Mexico." Nat nods, making Clint let out a bark of a laugh.

"This one is so-" He starts coughing, and Bruce pats his back, looking concerned.

"Okay." She giggles at Clint, tilting her head back and forth, searching for a good way to start this story. "So, Mexico, Nat and I were in the middle of a market just-" Clints swings his hands around, mimicking the fight. "Getting our asses beat."

"Just skip to the good part!" Clint grins, shaking his head side to side. Nat shoves him, damn near shoving him out of the chair.

"Then why don't you tell it." She cocks her head at him, Bruce leans away, scooting closer to Steve. Ha.

"Nat and Ness are laying on the ground, sprawled out in the dirt, looking absolutely dead." Clint runs a hand over his chin, smirking to himself.

"Should I be hearing this?" Tony asks.

"You'll be proud of her, don't worry." Nat smiles at him, turning back to Clint.

"And the guy, who's built like a super soldier, walks over to Ness, yanking her off the ground by her hair." I look over to her, watching her lips smirk over the rim of her glass, tossing the clear liquid back. "He pulls her up, pulling her face close to his." She sets the glass down, running her tongue over her bottom lip. Damn. "And what did you say?" Clint starts to chuckle, Nat leaning into his shoulder covering her face.

"That's my emotional support knife, sir." Her voice was steady, that smirk appearing again.

"Jesus Ness." Sam groans, leaning his head down, shaking it side to side with a smile.

"See," Tony stands, filling everyone's glasses again. "This is why everyone wants to kick your ass."

"Cuz I'm funny." She gives him a sarcastic grin, eyes disappearing.

"No, because your a psychopath." Tony grunts, filling her glass the most, and she takes it, bringing to her lips.

"I prefer creative." There's that smartass answer again. She downs the whole drink, tossing her head back with it.

"Sometimes I wonder if your actually useful for missions." Nat quirks. Inessa frowns, setting her now empty glass back down.

"Your wrong." She quickly smiles.

"Really? Your useful?" Tony chuckles.

"Absolutely." She lifts her feet off the table, standing pressing her palms flat on the table.

"How so?" I give in to her humor, raising my brow at her. She turns her head, but her eyes lower at me, running her tongue over her lip. She needs to stop doing that.

"Well, Barnes," She stands to full height, turning to fully face me. "I can be used as a bad example." Everyone erupts into laughter or sarcastic groans, but her eyes don't leave mine.

"Ugh. Your existence is giving me a headache. Go stand over there." Tony waves his hand at her, making her smirk at me before walking behind my chair, letting her perfume waft past me.

"Mr. Stark. New leads on Red Borns has just arrived."

Everyone sits straight in their seats, turning to the screen, watching the security footage come to life.

"Where?" Tony stands, placing his hands on his hips.

"Kyiv, Sir."

"How old is this footage?"

"Live, Sir."

"Everyone suit up." Steve jumps up, causing everyone else to follow.



"Everyone suit up." Everyone bolts to their feet, racing to get ready.

"James." I call out to him, making him look at me. I nod for him to follow me, and we race down the stairs, taking two at a time all the way to my room. I basically kick down the door, letting us both in. "There's a folder on the desk, grab it." He quickly turns to my desk, reaching for the folder marked in bold red letters.

4425 : Red Born 6 : Classified

"Wasn't this-"

"Yes." I answer before he finishes asking. I run to my closet, slipping on my suit, grabbing my bag of weapons. "It has information on one of the Red Borns." I walk out, seeing him flip through the papers, pulling pictures out.

"This is you." He turns to me, brows furrowed.

"Yes." I nod, zipping open my bag, looking around in case I forgot something.

"Were you-"

"Almost, but no." I see everything is there, and I zip it back closed. I toss the bag over my shoulder walking over to him, grabbing the photo from his hands. "This is Darya, and I'm showing you this," I look up at him, taking a small breath. Please don't be mad. "You can't kill her."

"But she's a Red Born." His face pinches together, feeling a wave of confusion, and possibly annoyance. I take the folder out his hands, placing the picture back inside, closing it before tossing back on my desk. I start walking to my door, hearing his feet move behind me.

"I know." We march down the hallway, taking the stairs to his floor. "But you can't kill her." We reach his room, and he leads us inside, stomping to his closet.

"Why not?" He asks behind the door, getting himself ready. Not seeing a bed, I toss the bag on his desk, pulling guns out, getting mags ready.

"Because. She's important. And I'm asking nicely." I answer him, feeling a wave of nausea hit me. Please don't kill her.

"But why is she important?" He emerges from his closet, suit on, bag of weapons of his own.

"I-" I let out a breath. Can I trust him? "Just try not to. And don't let the others kill her either."

"I kinda need to know why I'm doing all of this." He grumbles, clicking mags into his guns.

"Like I said, I'm asking nicely." I finish readying my personal arsenal, turning to him. He throws everything into his bag, a pissed look on his face when he looks at me.

"I'm gonna need a better answer than that." He aggressively zips his bag, tossing over his shoulder, stepping closer. "Why is she important?" His face is hard, eyes looking down at me. Should I trust him.

"Guys." Steve stands in the doorway, also suited up. "Let's move." He leaves, I turn to follow him, but James's hand grabs my arm.

"I won't. But I can't stop the others. Not completely." His voice is still sharp, but I nod to him, thanking him silently.

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