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"Friday." I walk into the compound, taking my sunglasses off.

"Yes, Mr. Stark?"

"Send Rogers to my office. Now." Steve didn't once check in with my sister, and that was a low blow. She's taken a bullet for this guy, and he doesn't even have the urge to see her. Asshat.

"Yes sir."

I hop onto the elevator, pressing the button, letting out a sigh for the long day ahead of me. Of course Barnes had to stay with her. This was getting ridiculous. Barnes followed her around like a lost puppy, always staying close by. I knew what men thought of her. I just hoped Barnes wasn't like the rest.

"Mr. Stark."

"Friday." I hum.

"Captain Rogers is already in your office." Great.

"Thank you, Friday." The doors chime open, and I see Rogers sitting in a chair in front of my desk. "Where the hell have you been?" I stomp my way through the room, not glancing at Rogers as I pass by, plopping down in my seat.

"I had somewhere I needed to be." He answers.

"And where's that?" I raise my brows. "Hm?" He lets out a sigh, eyes looking down.

"I don't want to argue with you. Not today." He runs a hand over his face, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Oh. Well that's perfect because Ness is coming home today, not that you care, or anything." It was full of sarcasm, fed up with Steve's antics. I bring my fingers to my chin, propping my weight on them.

"I do care." He answers.

"Really?" I let my hand fall. "Because you didn't check on her once. Not once in the past three days. Everyone's been to see her. Ya know, her being someone on our team."

"I had other things to tend to."

"Other things?" I lean forward. "She could have died, Rogers. Even your best buddy snowcone won't leave her alone." I roll my eyes just thinking about Barnes. "Ya know," I place my elbows on the desk, running my fingers through my goatee. "I don't understand this whole thing between you two. You confessed your love for her, to me," I point to myself. "And then you sent her on her merry way to a Hydra facility, where she nearly died." My voice wobbles at that last word. "Then we get her back, everything fine and dandy for a while, then all of sudden you don't even bother to include her in missions." His face goes slack slightly, knowing I'm onto him. "What's your deal?"

"Tony, this has nothing to do-"

"What." I cut him off. "Is your deal." It doesn't come out as a question, more of a demand. "Because I refuse to let you be the reason she leaves again." He takes a moment staring at me, figuring out his words.

"She's unstable." Even though he looks sad when he admits it, I know he means what he says. "She's been on a killing spree. Taking out anyone she can, doesn't matter who they are. She doesn't even care about the consequences. Do you think that's someone we need on the team?"

"Yes." I lift my head. "Absolutely. 100%."

"Tony-" He rolls his eyes sighing.

"No. First off, you don't get to pick and choose who's on the team. All of us do. I've talked to Banner, Nat, Wilson, even Barton about this-"

"And what did they say?" He cocks his brows. "They are going to tell you whatever you want to hear, because we all know the hell you'd bring down if any of us spoke up." Language mister.

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