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I open the door, stepping inside our floor, hearing voices coming from the kitchen.

"I can't believe she said that." Steve's voice held annoyance, which was a usual thing to hear by now.

"I thought it was funny." I could tell Nat was smiling by the way she said it. Feeing safe enough to make my presence known, I walk into the kitchen, seeing them sit side by side at the counter.

"Oh hey, Buck. I didn't hear you come in." I nod to Steve as I walk past, on my way to grab a plum from the fridge.

"Hey." Is all I said.

"Where'd you run off to?" Nat asks, leaning her arms on the counter.

"I went and talked to Inessa." I mumble. Why were they so concerned?

"Oh?" They both tilted their heads in unison. I turn and look back at them, confused as why they were surprised.

"What did.." Steve spears his throat, turning his body a little to fully face me. "What did you guys talk about?" Oh good grief.

"We just talked about the meeting with Ross. That's all." I shrug, feeling like that answer sufficed.

"Well it's good that their talking." Nat whispers over the rim of her drink, like I couldn't hear, and Steve shoots, 'I know right?' eyes at her, making me regret walking into this damn kitchen.



After cleaning up after a wonderful anger management session, I was called down to Tony's office. I wonder why? I opened his door, waltzing in, smiling like I had no idea why I was there.

"You summoned me." I smirked.

"Sit." Tony points to a chair in front of his desk.  Groaning I waddled over, plopping myself down.

"Yes, your majesty?" I ask.

"Knock it off." He rolls his eyes, shutting his lap top closed. It was funny to me that with all of his fancy technology, we would still send Pepper emails like it was still the early 2000's. "You know why your here."

"God. You sound like a principal." I sigh, throwing my leg over the side of the chair, slouching down further to get comfy for my scheduled lecture.

"You had no right to be an ass. I understand your not fond of him, trust me, I'm not either. But he still needs a little respect." He frowns.

"Respect isn't given, it's earned." I raise my brow at him. "You taught me that."

"I-" He shuts his mouth shut quickly, realizing I was right. "Okay. Your argument is flawed, but I'm gonna ignore it." Flawed my ass. "He's the Secretary of State. The guy who gives us the go when we are in need for saving the world."

"And don't you think that's a little," I tilt my hand back and forth, squinting my eyes. "I think it's stupid we need to rely on the go from a man who sits in an office all day to save the world."

"That's-" He shuts up again, pointing at me. "You crossed a line, missy." He jabs his finger towards me, trying to discipline like he always had. And he only called me missy when I was in trouble. Wow, I'm so scared. "And it was an ass move of yours to talk back like that. And usually your more reserved." I tossed the back of my hand over my eyes, pretending I was so embarrassed.

"Oh my! What ever shall I do!" I let out an dramatic sigh. I lift my head and drop my hand to see how he would react, but like always, he was numb to my antics.

"Don't do it again." He drops his finger, jaw tight with annoyance. I stand, bowing before him.

"Yes your majesty." I laugh myself out of his office, feeing proud that I was pissing everyone off today.


"Hey James." I sent my voice to his mind, and within mer seconds his voice answers.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Is Steve in a good mood?" I giggle. I was on a journey to make everyone my victim.

"Unfortunately. He's a happy old man." He replies.

"Your an old man too." I smile to myself.

"Then I suggest you respect your elders." He chuckles. Ugh. I reach my floor, and I immediately throw myself onto my couch.

"I'm bored." I groan.

"And?" He answers.

"Jeez. No one's fun today." I huff. All I heard from him was a soft chuckle. It was a nice sound, but it was even better in person. Where you can watch it rumble in his chest, and watch the usual smirk follow. Thinking back to the training room where I saw him genuinely smile for the first time, I feel my chest get all fluttery. Stop. I clapped my hands over my chest, mentally kicking myself from getting slightly giddy. But it was really nice see him. It was refreshing talking to someone who didn't look at me like I was a ticking bomb, or someone looking down at me like a child. And I felt comfortable with him, more so than with others, which was weird because I've only know him for a little over a week. "James." I called for him again, and like before he answers in moments.

"What is it now?" He asks with a sarcastic tone.

"What's your favorite food?" I didn't know anything personal about him, so I thought now would be a good time to start.

"Pancakes." His response was quick. I like that.

"Mines muffins." I smile.

"Any in specific?" He asks.

"The edible ones." I smirk. He chuckles in reply, making my chest go fluttery again. Stop it.

"Favorite color?" I quickly ask something else to get my mind back in focus.

"Black." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Yours?"

"Blue." As soon as the words left my mouth I face turns confused. Blue? Why did I say blue? I've never liked the color before, it's always been red. Then the realization hit me. James's eyes are blue. Feeing my heart race with embarrassment, I quickly sit up. "Thank you for the talk, gotta go." I got no response, thank god. I don't know what the hell is going on with me. I don't even know him.

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