💎 IX : Puberty

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Fourteen year old Ada stared at his class mate as she danced, the rest of the boys whistled and hollered but he just sat there staring trying to understand what the issue was. He turned to his self proclaimed best friend he was practically drooling.

He took a book from his bag and walked out of the classroom onto the corridor. He looked over the edge at the field below, the only things he liked about being on the second floor were the view and air quality. If he didn't have that, as far as he knew, it wasn't worth the long distance to the labs and other facilities.

He stared at the book cover, the red and blue stripes stared back at him. He'd been reading it for a week now and he just had a couple of pages left. He almost wished he was a slow reader, maybe Iye Eghe would let him get two free days before she started him on a new one. He doubted it though, he had to learn if he was going to be a great man like his father one day.

He sighed and opened the book. He read the chapters title aloud, "Law Forty eight, Assume Formlessness," he had twenty more minutes till the break was over he hoped to finish the book once and for all.

"What are you reading?"

He looked up from his book and wondered why the person hadn't just read the book cover, it wasn't a blank sleeve, "The Forty eight Laws of power by Greene," he watched the girl blush as he talked. He stared at her perplexed by how the name of the book made her embarrassed, "are you okay, Oduwa?"

She nodded violently and ran into the class just as he made to feel her temperature.

Tobi, his self proclaimed best friend walked out into the corridor and leaned on the balustrade like he was, "So you did it again you flirtatious bulldog," he grinned his thumbs pointed upwards, "you have to show me how you do it one of these days."

Ada looked at his friend and hissed before going back to his book, why couldn't Tobi see he was reading.

Tobi sighed, "I fear I'm going to have to inject you with hormones or elephant grade viagra one of these days," he chuckled as he ran his hands over his head. Ada wasn't the finest boy in their level, neither was he the most buff but girls still swoned for him without him even regarding them.

As far as Tobi knew, he definitely needed the jazz that was working for his best friend as soon as possible because he had the big plan of loosing his virginity as he turned sixteen two months to their final exams.

Ada heard the bell go off and he closed his book with a smile on his face, he'd finished just in the nick of time, "who knows, it might finally kick up my sexual appetite in the engine but for now, I'm very comfortable the way I am."

"Do you want to wait for marriage?"

Ada smirked, "Because you asked me for the tenth time this week doesn't mean I'll change my response. I'm very okay with waiting for marriage."

"You're a weirdo Ada, even freaking big assets Toyin took you behind the door for five minutes in paradise and you didn't even feel anything." Tobi whined as they went to their seats.

"She had blisters on her lips, did you expect me to let her kiss me, besides the space was too tight I was doing my best not to suffocate, her appendages were everywhere." Ada groaned and masaged his temples.

"Did you say appendages?"

"Yes, her boobs are just too much, besides I think she needs a better bra, I noticed that she kinda stoops when she walks," Ada replied as he pulled out his note from his bag.

"Did you tell her?"

"Nope, she has sisters at home, I shouldn't be the one telling her that she needs to adjust her bra correctly or get something bigger."

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