Chapter 1

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"It can't be this simple.!" Devale said

"What you mean?!" Crystal ask

"You hella funny.!" Devale said

"I been known that.!" Crystal said making them both laugh

"Man I can't believe you not taken the role of Fatima.! We would've had fun on set.!" Devale said

"Yeah, but I'm book.!" Crystal said

They stayed outside for the rest of the night just talking forgetting about the party that they came for. Crystal and Devale met actually one hour ago. Crystal and Devale came to Tyler Perry party to celebrate Sistas getting renewed after its first season. And honestly it's amazing for Crystal to see her bestfriend happy which she hasn't seen that in a while. Tyler thought that Sistas wasn't going to be a hit but he always doubting himself with his art. Crystal always made sure Tyler was happy because her bestfriend been though so much he deserved to smile and it being genuine.

Crystal actually wasn't going to attend the party because she recently went through a break up that she didn't see coming and it been hitting her super hard. But she didn't want to let Tyler down so she went and so far she having a great time.

Devale on the other hand was one of Tyler actors that played on the show Sistas and of course he was coming because his show just got renewed. Devale came with his girlfriend Kay they share a two year old son and they been together for five years. Devale were super excited to party because finally his life was changing for the better and his hard work is paying off. But him and Kay got into an argument before the party and ruined his whole mood. Devale of course met and said hello to everyone including Crystal

1 hour before

"Everyone this is Crystal my bestfriend and actress she was the one that was supposed to play Fatima.!" Tyler said as he introduced Crystal to everyone including Devale and his Wife and then Devale dip

"Who play Fatima now?!" Crystal ask after she said her hello

"No one. I just wrote that Zac and Karen stayed together.!" Tyler said
And Crystal just nod her head. Honestly she would rather be at home. After what seem to be forever Crystal decided to dip but not from the party but from the room. She wasn't in the parting mood actually.

Crystal finally saw a window that can open to the balcony on the other side of the party. It felt like a fresh air of heaven once Crystal found the window. She went through and walk towards the rail and look over the city with the lights flashing and cars honking. Oh God her life suck Crystal thought to herself.

"So I'm not the only one that needed some air.?" Crystal heard over her shoulders and seen that it was one of Tyler Perry actors

"Yeah, it get crowded.!" Crystal said

Back to the Future

" I think you the only one that would turn down a Tyler Perry work.!" Devale said as him and Crystal continue their conversation as the time slip by them

"Omg no I'm not. Plus he's my bestie he'll get over it I'm not worried.!" Crystal said

"Why haven't we met before.?" Devale ask

"Because I was not the type to be out. But now I found my freedom Tyler been taken me here and there.!" Crystal said which was half way true. Crystal ex didn't like when she goes out so she usually stayed at home.

"I'm glad you came tonight.!" Devale said

"And why is that?!" Crystal ask

"I think I found my new bestfriend.!" Devale said as both him and Crystal started to smile and giggle a little

"She already have one.!" They heard someone say and they saw Tyler

"Hey.!" The both said at the same time turning towards Tyler

"Everyone have been looking for you guys for like 20 minutes.!" Tyler said

"We're fine.!" Devale said and Crystal look up towards him which Tyler caught

"Devale would you excuse us.!" Tyler said

"Of course.! See ya.!" Devale said towards Crystal before he left leaving Crystal and Tyler on the balcony

"What was that about?" Tyler ask

"What you mean?!" Crystal ask

"Don't play dumb.!" Tyler said

"I don't know what you talking about and I think I need a drink.!" Crystal said leaving the balcony as well

"You know he got a girlfriend which would be the mother of his child.!" Tyler said coming up behind Crystal as she made her way to order her a drink

"Yeah I met her.!" Crystal said

"But you still had that look in your eye.!" Tyler said

"What look.?" Crystal said

"And you wonder why you always get your heart break.!" Tyler said

"Relax I don't even know him.!" Crystal said taken a sip of her drink as both her and Tyler look over the crowd.

"Look... look.!" Tyler said to Crystal pointing her towards Devale. Devale and his girlfriend was arguing and it look heated before Devale turn around and headed outta the building with his girlfriend behind him

"Trouble in paradise?!" Crystal ask as both Tyler and Crystal click their drink glasses together.

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