Chapter 17

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They both fell to the bed exhausted, but sated, and Devale pulled crystal over close to him as she snuggled into his shoulder and chest. It took a while for them to catch their breath, and they lay in one another's arms feeling content. He ran his long, elegant fingers along her spine, and she caressed his chest with her small soft hands until after a while they stilled.

"Are you sure you want me to come.?" Crystal ask Devale

It was Monday morning and Devale has his last court date for his case. Crystal was beyond nervous and scared when Devale ask for her to come with him. Crystal didn't want to be the cause of him possibly losing his case. Crystal and Devale relationship has been going great a little to great but Crystal decided to just live life and enjoy the new happiness that found her.

"Yes, unless you don't want to come.!" Devale said coming outta his bedroom bathroom

Crystal had spent the night at Devale crib well you can say man cage because that's what his place look like but Crystal didn't mind. She knew her man and knew him all to well

"It's not that. I just don't want to be the cause of you possibly losing custody.!" Crystal said as she strap her heels on

"Your not, at the least you're my good Luck charm girl. And to be honest I think I need you there with me. Hell when the court always end I look behind me to find you but you wasn't there. My fault but you here now and I would love your support.!" Devale said standing in front of Crystal

"You'll always have my support.!" Crystal said smiling looking up

"But I will say Kay might have a fit when she see you after what I said in the last court hearing.!" Devale said

"What did you say.?" Crystal ask

"Well she brought up you and I told her and the judge we wasn't together. Which at the time we wasn't. I knew she was going to bring you up to make me look bad.!" Devale said

"Hey calm down it's alright, you didn't lie we wasn't together. Look I'm not worried about your past never were. What I am looking for is how you treat me and how you are now. I will never judge that.!" Crystal said looking up into Devale eyes

"I wish I could've said the same thing to you.!" Devale said

"Okay Devale where's my man at?" Crystal ask standing up

"What you mean.? I'm right here.!" Devale said

"Yeah but you acting scared. Look it's nothing to worry about. We going to court and walking out with Ryder I miss him. I can't believe she won't let you see him until court is over.!" Crystal said

"Yeah, it's some bullshit. Couldn't even get him on my days she just so bitter.!" Devale said as they both walk downstairs to head to court

Devale made sure he lock up the house before getting into his car and drive away. Devale was supper nervous about how today will turn out. He miss his son and it really didn't make sense for Kay to keep Ryder away from him. Devale has been nothing but an amazing father and can't nobody take that away from him. The closer they got to the court house the more nervous Devale gets and Crystal could tell so she grab his hand and held it for the rest of the way.

Once park they both got out and Crystal said a silent prayer that everything was going to be alright for her baby both of her babies. They walk hand in hand towards the court and took a seat until Devale case was being called.

"Hey, don't sweat you got this. Any judge will notice how amazing you are to Ryder and how you are a wonderful father." Crystal said to Devale right before they walk in together. Devale really did needed that little motivation

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