Chapter 3

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"Don't start with me. I'll hop in the car quickly.!" Devale said. They spoke for another hour or so before they both headed to bed while on the phone of course.!"

3 months later

"You want me to do you a favor?!" Crystal ask while they stop to catch their breath. The two decided to go running on this beautiful morning day

"Yes it's not a big one.!" Devale said.

Crystal and Devale started a relationship but only one friendly boundary. Crystal wasn't ready to date yet since she's still getting over her ex and finally calling it quits. She thought he'll change so Crystal gave him another shot. Which came with another heart break for Crystal. Crystal learn and now she want to move forward but not too fast. They been around each other almost everyday since their first date. Which was literally 2 months ago and 4 months in total that they knew each other. They just connect and honestly it feel good to both of them to just have a moment without feeling rushed. Devale knew Crystal just gotten outta relationship just like him. But Devale departed with his baby mother was a good fit for both of them but now she definitely being childish with their child.

"Okay what is it.?" Crystal ask

"My family is having this gathering I think you should come.!" Devale said

"To meet your family and friends?!" Crystal ask

"Umh yeah. We bestie-

"We're bestie.?" Crystal ask laughing as Devale pull her to him while she laugh

"You know you my bestie.!" Devale said

"Yeah okay bestie.!" Crystal says

"So that's a yes.?" Devale ask

"I didn't say that... what day and time?!" Crystal ask

"Saturday at 5pm we rented out Cascades we lit.!" Devale said

"That's only two days away how imma suppose to get ready in that short amount of time.?" Crystal ask

"It's cascades so you know you don't have to do to much. Plus it's two days away thats good enough.!" Devale said

"What if I had plans.?" Crystal ask

"I wasn't worried.!" Devale said

"And why that.?" Crystal ask but Devale just took off running

"Devale.!" Crystal called out laughing as she follows him

Saturday night

Crystal had arrived at the cascades a hour late just so she could make an appearance and to keep Devale on his toes. Crystal decided to keep it cute but simple.

(What Crystal had on cause it was a 90s theme)

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(What Crystal had on cause it was a 90s theme)

Crystal walk In and saw so many people.

"Damn Devale got a lot of family.!" Crystal thought in her head. Crystal scan the room while nodding her head to the music which was jamming. Crystal ended up turning her head to her right and there she saw him. Talking to his people while holding his son. Crystal never actually seen or been around his son. They trying to respect boundaries but they were crossing over them. Devale look real good standing there being a father, Crystal thought just seen Devale in person with his son warm Crystal heart.

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