Chapter 18

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"And you see that's where your problem begins.!" Devale called out

"So Christmas is 2 days away so why are we putting up a Christmas tree super late.?" Devale ask as he put the tree down where Crystal wanted it

"Umh because you were away filming and I wanted to wait until you were here and we had Ryder.!" Crystal said towards Devale as she put Ryder down

"Aww baby Christmas this important.?"Devale ask

"Lol yes, I love Christmas we get to decorate the house, eat lots of candy cane, drink eggnog and make sugar cookies.!" Crystal said smiling

"Damn never seen you this excited before unless it was food.!" Devale said as he pull Crystal to his side

"Ohh shut up. So we got Ryder until after Christmas.?" Crystal ask

"I have Ryder I don't want to put him on you.!" Devale said

"And when have you did that?" Crystal ask

"Never but I don't want to make you feel like you have to watch Ryder.!" Devale said

"Have I gave you that expression.?" Crystal ask

"No.!" Devale said

"So stop thinking that. Ryder is amazing and I think his daddy kind of cute too.!" Crystal said to Devale

"Kind of.?" Devale said as he smack her ass and peck her lips

Devale and Crystal been on cloud nine and it's amazing being in love even if they haven't said those words yet. In total they been together for six months not including their small break and no complaints from both. Kay was still making dumb post on the internet and they literally have to meet at the park just to trade Ryder off because Kay's still mad that the court rule in Devale favor. Ryder have been amazing and Crystal love that little boy from the bottom of her heart. Crystal and Devale both been meet each other family but now both family basically want a redo

"So are you going to my family or your family house for family Christmas.?" Devale ask. They were decorating the tree and talking about any and everything

"Umh I haven't made up my mind honestly I would rather do neither. And actually I honestly don't have to.!" Crystal said

"I thought you made up with your family.!" Devale said

"Umh here and there but I don't talk to them just my sister not including Dream. I haven't talk to my dad nor mom and I'm okay with that.!" Crystal said

"Are you ever gonna tell me what happened.?" Devale ask

"Family just don't be familing if that make sense.!" Crystal said it's not really bad to love from a far but she knew her man family was everything to him

"But what about you. You going to your parents house.?" Crystal ask

"Just a little while nothing more. Are you coming with me.?" Devale ask

"Hell no.! I'm not setting myself up like that I'll just wait until you come back.!" Crystal said

"Speaking of that.!" Devale said

"Oh Lord what is it Devale.!" Crystal said

"They want me to invite you.!" Devale said

"How cute so more of your family can judge and dismiss me. I think not plus they haven't even apologized and it's been months.!" Crystal said as she step back and look at the tree

"Please just for me. We can go say hey to everyone let Ryder play around for a little while and boom we are done.!" Devale said

"Okay let's make a deal. You love making those.!"Crystal said towards Devale

"Okay let's hear it.!" Devale said

"I'll go but we gotta be the last one there but the first out-

"Alright deal that's nothing.!" Devale said

"I wasn't finish like I said we come last, leave first and I'm not eating anything your family cook so imma be hungry and to make you happy because I know you are worried about me and my family. After your family Christmas we can swing by my parents house.!" Crystal said as she said the last statement low

"Awww cryboo-

"Omg that name is so ugly.!" Crystal said as she grab a pillow and toss it towards Devale way

"I think it's cute ain't that right Ryder.!" Devale said as he grab Ryder and swing him in the air and around

"I love how you is with him.!" Crystal said towards Devale

"When you stop playing I'll give you one.!" Devale said back

"Not without a ring I got 500 for the clinic. What that rapper say I'll pay 500 before I let a Nigga trap me.!" Crystal said as she start rapping the lyrics to the song

"Crystal Renee stop playing with me.!" Devale said

"I'm playing but not really.!" Crystal said

"But I learn my lesson relationship first marriage and then kid.!" Devale said

"Do you want more kids?!" Crystal ask

"Yeah with you.!" Devale said and Crystal start smiling

"Don't say stuff like that.!" Crystal said trying to hide her smile

"Why it's the truth what about you.?!" Devale ask

"Of course but I'm not rushing-

"I can say different.!" Devale said

"Why you say that.?" Crystal ask

"Because you never let me pull-

"Devale you literally holding your offspring.!" Crystal said stopping Devale comment

"It's true are you on the pill or anything.?" Devale ask

"No I'm not I just know how to carry myself. If it's alright with you I don't feel like cooking can we order take out.?" Crystal ask as she grab Ryder from Devale

"I'm cool with that you are amazing with him. I think he like you more then me.!" Devale said

"Ohh I know he like me better then you.!" Crystal said laughing

They talk and played for another hour before deciding to order take out. Crystal got Ryder together and bathe him to get him ready for the night. While Devale got his self together and then they switched so Crystal could do her nightly routine. The food finally came and then Ryder was light off for him.

"Devale you are cheating.!" Crystal said towards Devale

"No I'm not.!" Devale said

"That's not how you play uno.!" Crystal said

"Says who?" Devale said

"The rules I'm done I'm not playing no more you cheating!." Crystal said laughing and throwing her cards on the table

"You just a swore loser that's all.!" Devale said

"Boy fuck you.!" Crystal said

"Don't tease me with a good time.!" Devale said as he grab Crystal and put her over his shoulder

"Deevaleee.!" Crystal yelp once Devale pick her up and smack her ass. Crystal knew what time it was and she didn't mind not at all.

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