Chapter 12

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"You didn't have to. You didn't have too. I went through it too I saw the sign and I took care of it like I always do.!" Eva said getting into her car and finally drove away.

A total shit show


Crystal pov

"Hey I knew I could find you here.!" Crystal said walking on the basketball court as Devale miss a shot

"And I see you not very good at it either.!" Crystal joke

"Haah you think you funny.!" Devale said

Crystal and Devale didn't even talk about what happen at her family house and she was thankful she would like to leave the past in the past. The whole ride home was weird from both side and then Devale didn't stay the night like he used to. Crystal wanted to give him clarification but at the same time she was scared to even relive that time. Even though Devale understood Crystal feelings he still have questions, and he knew it wouldn't get answer. Since that dinner Devale had a feeling that he just couldn't shake. Devale knew what ever happen in Crystal past involves the cops and Devale wasn't down for it especially when he doesn't know what happened.

"Mhm just a little.!" Crystal said

"What brings you by.?" Devale ask

"I called, you didn't answer so I pulled up.!" Crystal said

"But I thought you were with your sister for like a sleep over. I guess to talk about what happened last night.!" Devale said

"It ended quickly.!" Crystal said

"So I take it, it didn't go so well.?" Devale ask

"At the moment I don't know I'm just numb.!" Crystal said

"You know you got a lot of baggage.!" Devale said

"And you don't.?" Crystal ask

"Chill I'm not judging just an observation that's all.!" Devale said

"You close minded too also secretive-

"Aye damn I get it.!" Crystal said cutting Devale off

"If we supposed to grow how are we gonna do that if your past is your problem. And of course I wanna be there for you but it's hard when I don't know the situation.!" Devale said

"And that's sweet of you. But I'm okay my past is not my problem it's my family faith and they just won't let me be me I guess.!" Crystal said

"You too grown-

"I can say the same about you moma boy.!" Crystal said cutting Devale off

"What's wrong with family being a priority just because you had a Fuck up upbringing doesn't mean stop trying nor never stop building a wealth for generations to come.!" Devale said

"Coming from someone that came from money.!" Crystal said

"Oh please your family was well off.! Yeah I did digging on my own.!" Devale said

"Devale really what is this all about?!" Crystal ask

"The fact that you don't know worries me.!" Devale said with a chuckle

"I'm not a mind reader I don't make a living guessing.!" Crystal said nonchalant

"Your problem-

"Now I have a problem.... Devale where is this all coming from.?" Crystal ask

"Is this about last night at my family house.? Is that the reason you didn't stay the night like you use to. Or the fact that you haven't been answering my calls.?" Crystal ask

"My eyes is just clear.!" Devale said shooting another shot

"What does that mean.!" Crystal ask Devale as he stated to walk up to Crystal

"Eva said she got rid of a body What did she mean by that.!" Devale said looking into Crystal eyes

"She didn't tell me.!" Crystal lied

"Bullshit. She made it seem that she killed someone because of you.!" Devale said

"Look Devale the past is complicated and it's the past. Dream shouldn't have never brought that conversation up. But I'm not answering any questions that you have from information that shouldn't have been repeated. I don't ask you about your past only focus on the future.!" Crystal said

"Because my past is not hunting me Crystal." Devale yelled

"And neither is mines.!" Crystal yelled back

"I can't believe we're even arguing about something that happened when I was a freshman in high school a place where I didn't even know you existed. And a part of my life that I put in a box with a lid and I don't care who it is I won't open that lid again.!" Crystal said

"So how could I be with someone that I don't know.?" Devale ask

"What you know me.!" Crystal said

"Do I.!" Devale ask and Crystal didn't say anything

"Look I gotta go.!" Devale said picking up his bag that was by Crystal

"Why are you being like this? Why do you care so much.?" Crystal ask

"Look I got things going for myself and I'm trying to get 50/50 custody of Ryder so Kay can't take him anytime she wants and I cant have anyone around that could jeopardize that.!" Devale said

"What that gotta do with me and you. Us being together I treat Ryder like he's my own.!" Crystal said

"Well maybe if you had your own you'll understand my decision. Look I know my ex is going to dig and dig hard and from the look of your hating ass sister she will give Kay every information about you to the judge. And it'll look like im unfit from the people I bring around him.!" Devale said

"You can't be serious you saying all this because I don't want to tell you my past.?" Crystal ask

"You still don't get it but maybe this will.... Im out Crystal.!" Devale said as he took one more look at Crystal before leaving.

Crystal didn't say anything and just watch Devale leave she was shock, even stun to speak that Devale was being like this after everything she went through. She knew deep down starting something with him wouldn't end well but she didn't expect it to end like this. Was Crystal so wrong for not speaking about her past. It's her life a life where she didn't even know Devale.

Crystal didn't recognize the Devale that stood in her face and broke up with her. I guess strangers just needs to stay strangers

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