Chapter 5

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"Eww I really have to get my number changed.!" Crystal said and Devale laugh. Another 10 minutes went by before they paid their tab and left the restaurant. They both headed their own separate direction while being on the phone together. A real beautiful friendship

Crystal POV

"Your calling again because?!" Crystal ask smiling as she moved away from her coworker. She was on set for a new movie she was in. Devale and Crystal was just on the phone a hour ago and here he was again calling her phone but In honestly she didn't mind. Her relationship with Devale was something different and she loved every minute of it.

"Aye what you doing tonight?!" Devale ask

"Gotta hot date.!" Crystal said

"Well I'll pick you up tonight. Please dress to impress and be in White I got invited to an all White party.!" Devale said

"Who's party did they let you in?!" Crystal ask

"Blair Underwood.!" Devale ask

"Oh him wait who-" Crystal ask

"Yep Blair underwood, he's working on my set and told me I was invite and I could bring a plus one. But if you too busy I'll call-

"Call who?!" Crystal ask

"Why you wanna know?!" Devale ask

"Devale go play with someone else.!" Crystal say

"I'll rather-


"I'm playing.!" Devale said

"You play a little to much.!" Crystal said

"You love it.!" Devale said

"But wait who's watching Ryder?!" Crystal ask

"Umh he do have a mother.!" Devale said smiling it's cute how protective Crystal is over Ryder but she would never admit it

"I be forgetting about her.!" Crystal said

"Aye watch it.!" Devale said. Yeah Devale and Kay wasn't together but that's still his child mother

"What?! I'm behaving.!" Crystal said

"So are you coming are not?!" Devale said

"What time again?!" Crystal ask

"I'll pick you up at 8:30pm. It start at 8 and it takes up to 20 minutes to get there.!" Devale said

"Count me in why the hell not.!" Crystal said

"Back live in 5.!" Crystal heard someone say

"I'll see you later I gotta go." Crystal said

"See ya Shawty." Devale said as they both hung up the phone.

Crystal left set around 4pm given her enough time to go to the mall quickly and grab something new and White and powerful. She haven't really shown out since her break up. Crystal is totally over it now but the night light didn't seems to amuse her until she met Devale and it kind of change her mind. Crystal started coming in after mid night some time later then that on the days she wasn't on set. Crystal felt herself getting better and better even with the slight changes. Crystal was now in a dressing room trying on a wonderful dress. After trying on three different dresses she was stuck in picking which one should she wear. Crystal always felt a little insecure but never let it shows unless you truly know her.

"Did you make a decision?!" The sale clerk said

"No, I don't know what to pick. All of these dresses are beautiful.!" Crystal said back

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