Chapter 14

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"What are you doing here.?" Crystal ask confused

"So that was you.!" Devale said

Devale Pov

"How come you guys think I'm so depress.?" Devale ask

"Because I never seen you like this. Especially over some chick.!" Devale bestfriend Tony said

"Especially over SOME CHICK.!" Nathan said

"She wasn't just some chick.!" Devale said

"My nigga get it together. You think she doing the same thing you doing.?" Nathan ask

"And if she not. I wouldn't be surprised he broke up with her.!" Tony said and both Devale and Nathan look at him crazy

"What.? I'm telling the truth. And why break up with her just to be depress.... That's dumb yo.!" Tony said

"My boy De don't need no chick. Why don't you get back with your babyma.!" Nathan ask

"Are you dumb.?" Tony ask

"Exactly.!" Devale said

"If you get back with her then she won't do the court thing.!" Nathan said

Nathan does have a good point Devale thought once Nathan said whatever that was on his mind. But Devale couldn't go back to his babyma one he's not happy two he's not in love and threee Kay is just one bitter miserable bitch. Devale never thought or seen sign that Kay was really a fuck up person. Well that was until now when they were going back and forth in court and Kay telling every lie she could which making the process more longer then what it should. The only good thing that came from the court process so for is that Devale could get Ryder Friday- Sunday without Kay being present or taken Ryder whenever she felt like it. It was a gift but Devale couldn't wait until court was over with he didn't want to see a judge in a good minute.

Devale haven't spoken nor seen Crystal since he broke up with her. Which been over two weeks the same amount of days he been dealing with court. Kay beat him to the punch and filed for full custody and Devale wasn't going to let that happened. Kay did try to bring up Crystal but Devale made it known that their relationship ended and wouldn't be around. Even though Devale made it known about his relationship status the judge made it clear that Devale had every right to bring anyone safe around his son just like Kay had the right. Devale was stuck in between being grateful that he broken up with Crystal so she wouldn't be involved in his mess but another side wish that Crystal was there in court siting on his side. But Devale left the courtroom empty handed every time. Something inside scream to Devale to go to Crystal but his pride was definitely in the way.

"Dude are you even listening.?" Nathan ask

"If you were talking I wouldn't listen either.!" Tony said

"Man shut up.. look all I was saying let's go out bring back that De side.!" Nathan said

"I don't think that's a good idea.!" Devale said

"Why not? You single... you broke up with her so why you acting like you on your period.?" Nathan ask

"Dude when are you going to grow up?!" Tony ask

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