Chapter 19

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"Deevaleee.!" Crystal yelp once Devale pick her up and smack her ass. Crystal knew what time it was and she didn't mind not at all.

Christmas Day (Later in the even)

"Devaaleeee you gotta stop.!" Crystal said but she really didn't want him too

It was official Christmas Day and Devale woke both Crystal and Ryder up at the crack of dawn just to exchange gift. But both crystal and Devale decided to wait until night when Ryder would go to his moms for them to exchange gift since this will be their first Christmas together. They wasn't able to spend thanksgiving together because of their schedules and they were both on different set for their movie to even enjoy thanksgiving. So they just FaceTime each other when it was time and had dinner over the phone. They were lucky to have this day off and to have Ryder as well it was such an amazing feeling. Devale made breakfast as Crystal clean the living room from the mess Ryder made. They all ate breakfast like one big happy family but Crystal still didn't understand why Devale had to wake them up so early. They played with Ryder and all of his new toys that would be kept at Crystal house. Hell Devale is at Crystal house more than he's at his own. But Crystal didn't mind it was her man her man her man. After they played which felt like forever Crystal decided to definitely take a nap before going over to Devale parents house for their little thing. Crystal hope she doesn't regret going like she did last time. Crystal had left the boys downstairs to continue to play and she went upstairs to take a nap.

It was now 2 in the even and Crystal was still sleep or lack of sleep because of Devale shenanigans

"What if I don't want to stop?!" Devale ask as he kiss her lips and then neck

"Mhmm baby what's time is it now?" Crystal ask and then gasp once she felt Devale hands near her gold so she close her legs with Devale hand still there

"It's 2 something-

"You let me sleep for that long.?" Crystal ask

"You seem like you needed your sleep.!" Devale said

"What time are we supposed to be meeting your family.?" Crystal ask another question

"Well my mom called 20 minutes ago saying that everyone was there but us.!" Devale said

"Ohh great.!" Crystal said

"Don't do that you agreed.!" Devale said as he peck Crystal cheeks

"Fine how long do I have to get ready?!" Crystal ask

"About a hour in a half. I'll get myself and Ryder ready.!" Devale said and Crystal nod her head

Crystal took every last bit of the hour and the half that Devale gave her. She wasn't ready but she set herself up unfortunately. Crystal decided to put on a positive happy face but deeply she thought the worst

"Baby come on.!" Devale yelled from the bottom of the stairs

"I'm coming.!" Crystal call out as she walk downstairs

"You look beautiful.!" Devale said towards Crystal as she was coming downstairs

"Thanks handsome.!" Crystal replied as she walk to the car and Devale lock up her house. Once Crystal got into Devale car she turn to make sure Ryder was okay. You can tell he just woken up from his nap, he wasn't the smiling happy baby that he usually were.

"Aww daddy got us going to these people house and we gotta play fake. Yayy sound like hell doesn't it.!" Crystal said to Ryder as she fix his shirt and played with his hand. Ryder definitely made his mark on Crystal heart. Crystal always wanted kids but was scared she wouldn't be a good mother but seeing how she is with Ryder Crystal realize that she's be just fine.

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