Chapter 13

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Crystal didn't recognize the Devale that stood in her face and broke up with her. I guess strangers just needs to stay strangers

Crystal pov

Crystal and Devale haven't talk since he broke things off. Crystal thought about calling and just tell Devale her whole life story but to Crystal it was to easy for Devale to walk away from her. Over something so small it let her think about what if something really shook them and Devale was quick to walk away. For the first week Crystal was in a very fuck up and low mood because of what transpired between them. But this week she decided to get up and start being herself more.

Crystal had called Marry, Erin, and Eva back to her place to discuss something. Crystal didn't want another man having a hold on how she felt. Yeah Crystal been through worse but this one still hurt. Crystal was running behind but she knew her sister and cousin they were never on time. The set of her new movie let out later then usual. Crystal check the time and realize that she was 45 minutes behind and seen that her sister was already at her house. Seen all the cars park in her driveway once she pulled up.

Crystal grab her bag and purse before getting out the car heading towards her house.

"Finally you show up.!" Erin said as she opening the door before Crystal could

"Sorry the set let out late.!" Crystal explained while putting her things on the couch

"So no call or text.?" Eva ask sitting beside Marry

"No because I didn't expect you guys to be on time plus I didn't have my phone on set today.!" Crystal explain again

"Why you didn't have your phone?!" Marry ask

"Didn't wanna be bothered.!" Crystal said

"From?!" Erin ask sitting on the other couch eating candy

"Your phone stay glued to you.!" Marry said

"Mhmm you not glowing anymore so that mean you and whatever his name is. Not together anymore.!" Eva said as she raised her eyebrows

"Uhm no we are not together anymore.!" Crystal said as she put her hands in her pocket

"Wanna talk about it.?" Marry ask

"Actually no I'm okay.!" Crystal said

"You don't sound fine.!" Erin said

"Why? I could see you guys were happy.!" Marry ask

"Okay I know you guys are not going to let this go-


"Not a chance.!"  Erin and Eva said

"Even though this is not what I called you guys over here. Devale broke up with me because of what happened at the family dinner.!" Crystal said as she stood still

"Really that make no sense.!" Marry said

"Yeah what did he say.?" Eva ask

"He ask what did you mean by body. Of course I played dumb. I mean it's in the past-

"Well is it.?" Erin ask cutting Crystal off and nobody said anything for a minute after that question

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