Chapter 2

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"Look... look.!" Tyler said to Crystal pointing her towards Devale. Devale and his girlfriend was arguing and it look heated before Devale turn around and headed outta the building with his girlfriend behind him

"Trouble in paradise?!" Crystal ask as both Tyler and Crystal click their drink glasses together.

2 months later

"Can you come on Crystal.!" Tyler ask from the car as Crystal was getting in

"Now I know you see me. Just trying to rush for no reason. The store don't close for another 7 hour Okay.!" Crystal said once she got settle

"It doesn't matter I have a very set schedule today.!" Tyler said pulling off

"Like I care?!" Crystal said they were going grocery shopping because Tyler wanna cook for his little boo and wanted crystal advice

"What you cooking for your boo anyways and who is she and why haven't I met her.!" Crystal ask

"Ohh you met her servals time but I never mention it.!" Tyler said

"And why not?! We keeping secrets?!" Crystal said

"Ohh please you didn't tell me you were dating your ex until 6 months later.!" Tyler said in his defense

"Because I knew you wouldn't approve of him.!" Crystal said

"And that should've told you something.!" Tyler said as he park and Crystal honestly didn't have a respond because she knew he was right

"But look on the bright side your dumb ass got out of it.!" Tyler said getting out the car

"Yeah I was pretty dumb.!" Crystal said getting out the car as well

"Don't sound so sad. Everyone been sad and dumb over a guy before. Not me of course.!" Tyler said going into the store while Crystal laugh and follow behind him but she decided to go on another isle looking for nothing in particular.

"You following me.?" Crystal heard someone say

"Not likely.!" Crystal said laughing once she realized who it was. Damn he still look fine

"Long time no see.!" Devale said. The last time they saw each other or even spoke was the party for Sistas and that was over 2 months ago and they didn't exchange numbers. Neither can say how exactly they click but they just did.

"Yeah you disappeared once you left the balcony.!" Crystal said

"So let me make it up to you.!" Devale said looking at Crystal up and down

"How you gonna do that?!" Crystal ask folding her arms

"Dinner?!" Devale said

"Dinner?!" Crystal repeated

"Yeah, it'll be fun and we could catch up.!" Devale said

"Why you talking like we been friends?!" Crystal said

"I mean we could or more.!" Devale said

"More of?!" Crystal ask

"Accept my invite and I'll let you know.!" Devale said

"And how would your wife feel about that?!" Crystal ask, she knew he wasn't married

"I'm not married.!" Devale said holding up his hands

"That's what they all say.!" Crystal said

"I'm not all not even close to most.!" Devale said with confidence which Crystal definitely like

"Plus I'm unattached if that's what you we're trying to ask.!" Devale continued

"Never came from my lips.!" Crystal said

"What else never came from your lips.?" Devale ask

"Just dinner?!" Crystal ask

"Unless you beg for more.!" Devale said which made them both laugh

"Okay dinner it is.!" Crystal said and before departure they made sure to exchange numbers.

"Ohh Devale wassup man.! I didn't know you shop here.!" Tyler said as he look at Crystal when he said the last part

"Yeah I just move into the neighborhood up the street.!" Devale said

"Damn I must be paying you to much them some nice apartments.!" Tyler said

"Right I might wanna hop on board for Sistas.!" Crystal said making everyone laugh but Tyler

"Umh no. You had your chance and I'm still mad that you turned my offer down.!" Tyler said

"Spicy are we?!" Crystal ask making everyone laugh but Tyler

"You laughing?!" Tyler ask

"I think the bread isle is calling my name.!" Devale said leaving

"What he wanted?!" Tyler ask

"Just a friend.!" Crystal said smiling and walking away in her own little lane

"Well you have to many.!" Tyler said

Dinner later tonight

"Hey.!" Crystal said walking up to the table where Devale was sitting

"Hello, you look gorgeous.!" Devale said pulling out crystal seat so she could seat while she says her thank you

"You know I could've pick you up right?!" Devale said

"Yeah but I don't know you. You could be a killer.!" Crystal said

"Girl please I got things going for myself that I can't do behind bars.!" Devale said making them both laugh

"So you an actor?!" Crystal ask

"And you does it all.!" Devale said

"I do a little of everything.!" Crystal said

"Why you didn't give me your number the first time we met?!" Devale ask

"I never was ask to give out my number that night. If I remembered correctly you disappeared for the rest of the night.!" Crystal said which she knew he left because she saw everything

"Touché.! So how you been?!" Devale ask

As time flew they got to know each other all over again. And then a good old song came on. They wasn't listening to the music until this song came on mostly Crystal.

"Aww this is my song.!" Crystal said

"So you an oldie.?" Devale ask

"I love old school music it hits better.!" Crystal said as she started to sing "No pain no Gain" by Betty Wright while Devale just stared

"What?!" Crystal ask now looking embarrass

"Nothing you just cute that's all.!" Devale said and that made Crystal blush all over the place she had to fake like she had something in her eyes so he won't see. How can he have this effect on her so easy and early she doesn't even know this man

"Umh thank you.!" Crystal said

The night went on and they said their goodbyes when the date was over with. Crystal was doing her nightly routine as she lotion down her body listen to murder mystery on the tv when she gotten a FaceTime call from Devale

"Miss me already?!" Crystal ask once the phone pick up

"What if I say yes?!" Devale said

"You a mess.!" Crystal said laughing

"What you up to?!" Devale ask

"Just putting on some lotion.!" Crystal said

"I bet it smells good.!" Devale said

"Wanna smell?!" Crystal ask smirking

"Don't start with me. I'll hop in the car quickly.!" Devale said. They spoke for another hour or so before they both headed to bed while on the phone of course.

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