Chapter 15

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"It's yours and more to come just get me to this location.!" Devale said and the driver nod his head before taken Devale money and phone to look at the location as he pulled off

Crystal pov

"Imma head in the back.!" Marry said as she wiggle her eyebrows at Crystal and Crystal just shook her head

"Can we talk.?" Devale ask once Marry was gone.

"Yeah you can close the door.!" Crystal said as she turn around and headed towards the living room area

"Wow this hotel look amazing.!" Devale said because damn this hotel was man big

"Umh thanks.!" Crystal said as she folded her arms

"Why you here.?" Devale ask

"Excuse me.!" Crystal said

"I mean I didn't know you were here-

"We're you supposed to.?" Crystal ask cutting him off

"That's right Crystal tell him off.!" They heard Eva say and Crystal felt extremely embarrassed

"Omg one second.!" Crystal said to Devale as she left him and went into the room where the others were

"Bitch we heard you.!" Crystal said closing the door behind her


"So why he here.?" Erin ask

"I don't know. We heard Eva here celebrating before I even knew the answer.!" Crystal said as she started changing outta her clothes from the club into something else

"Bitch where you going.?" Marry ask Crystal as they all watch her change

"Mind yours.!" Crystal said

"Ohh shit so he back in the picture.!" Eva said

"Who said that. We are not together you guys know that.!" Crystal said

"But that doesn't mean that it's over.!" Erin said

"He wants to talk so I'm going to let him do just that.!" Crystal said

"So you leaving to just talk to him.? You can do that here.!" Eva said

"Not without privacy and clearly you guys doesn't know that. Where the keys to the rental.?" Crystal ask

"I haven't seen them.!" Erin said

"It's on the desk in the living room.!" Marry said

"I'll be back.!" Crystal said

"Girl it's almost midnight you not coming back.!" Eva said

"Girl bye.!" Crystal said as she finally put her hair in a ponytail and left out the room.

"Again I'm sorry about that.!" Crystal said as she walk out the room towards Devale

"I'm not tripping so are you going to tell me what happened at the club. Why your face look like that.!" Devale said

"Why so it can be another obstacle in your way.?" Crystal ask

"You were never an obstacle-

"That's not how I felt when you broke up with me.!" Crystal said and Devale felt so bad he never meant for Crystal to feel that way

"I'm sorry-

"It's cool is that it.?" Crystal ask

"No thats not it. Look I get it you mad and have every right too. I shouldn't have never ask about what Eva-

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