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"I guess to my people house.!" Crystal said slowly as she look at the clock and it was only 6 o'clock damn Christmas was going hella slow or they really wasn't at Devale Family house for that long. One hell to the other

"Do they know that you are coming?!" Devale ask as he pulls up to Crystal parents house seen hella cars as well

"Nope. Didn't tell them come on let's get this over with.!" Crystal said getting out the car

"Really I thought you told them.!" Devale said as he grab Ryder getting out the car

"Only Marry so I'm sure she told the family so we have nothing to worry about.!" Crystal said as she grab his hand lead the way to the front door. Crystal didn't knock cause she knew the door was unlock

"That's not safe.!" Devale said making Crystal chuckle

"Hello, where is everyone.!" Crystal scream through the house like she did last time and walk into the family den where Devale and Crystal saw her family with shock look on their face

"Why's everyone staring.?" Crystal ask

"We didn't know you were coming.!" Crystal mother said

"Umh I wasn't but I was talk into it.!" Crystal said looking at Devale

"Well well look who decided to show her face after what 4 months of not talking to her family.!" Dream said

"Did you guys hear anyone else talking.?" Crystal ask

"Girl I will-

"Crystal omg you here.!" Marry Scream as she saw her sister and hug her

"Yes I'm here where Erin and Eva.?" Crystal ask Marry

"In the kitchen finished up.!" Marry said

"Great we haven't miss dinner.!" Crystal said

"It's only 6:30 who eat earlier than that.?" Dream ask

"Hey auntie.!" Crystal nephew and niece said as they came and hug her. The kids miss their auntie and Ryder starts to scream once he saw other kids getting Crystal attention

"Who bab- ahhhh Crystal.!" Erin scream as well once she saw her sister and Eva and Crystal brother came out the kitchen as well.

"Crystal you had a baby.?" Her brother ask looking at Ryder

"You had a baby and didn't tell us.?" Crystal mother ask

"You didn't tell me you were pregnant.!" Erin said hitting Crystal

"Stop hitting me.!" Crystal said making her family laugh

"Crystal Rene.!" They heard their father say and everyone got quiet. This was the first time in 3 months hell probably in 3 years that her father said something to her. It be off and on that Crystal Father decides to speak to her. Their issue was never fix but it wasn't a problem either if that make sense

"Yes.?" Crystal ask

"Is it true.?" He ask

"No it's not. Ryder is Devale son and no I'm not pregnant neither and jr if that was your way in saying I'm Fat screw you.!" Crystal said to her brother

"That's not nice baby.!" Jr wife said

"Wait huh.?" Jr ask confused

"Family as you met Devale last time. Family this is my boyfriend Devale and his son Ryder.!" Crystal said introducing him to the rest of her family.

"Crystal can I see you in the kitchen please.!" Crystal father said and he left

"Is he dying.?" Crystal ask

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