Chapter 10

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"Once again you guys probably ran off another amazing woman but I won't stand for it. You guys are not family when guys disrespect my lady when she haven't done anything to you guys. Until you guys learn some respect y'all is not welcome here. Finish the meal and bounce.!" Devale said as he took Ryder from his mother and went upstairs


devale pov

"come on man lets go get our girl. Your family big tripping right now.!" Devale said towards his son as he pack him and Ryder some clothes and then he heard an knock

"Go away please.!" Devale said

"It's me and we need to talk.!" Devale father said coming into the bedroom

"I just said go away.! Alright pops what you wanna talk about.!" Devale said

"Come down son I'm on your side.!" Devale father said

"Wait huh?!" Devale said

"I like the young lady she can stick it to the old witches and I seen how she was with Ryder or I heard what had happened downstairs-

"What happen downstairs?!" Devale ask

"Ryder being Ryder lifted his shirt Crystal of course fix it. Your mother said something smart I'm thinking and Umh they said that Crystal said that Ryder just gotten over a cold-

"Which he did had me worried for a second. But go ahead.!" Devale said

"Okay Umh. She explained that and then your sister said something about Crystal not being Ryder mom-

"She said that?!" Devale ask

"Yeah, but I handle it. No need to worry.!" Devale father said

"Crystal is a very good person to Ryder and she didn't deserve that.!" Devale said

"Agree and I will make sure the next time they are around Crystal apologize will be voice.!" Devale father said

"It might not even matter now.!" Devale said

"Why you say that?!" Devale father said

"She haven't hit me back yet.!" Devale said

"Well that's unfortunate but son hurry up before she think too long. You know woman if they don't talk about their feeling right then and there they will analyze every detail in the situation.!" Devale father said

"Yeah you right about that one.!" Devale said

Devale and his father was coming downstairs with Ryder in his father arms before Devale thought that this night couldn't go left. Here go this bullshit

"What are you doing here?!" Devale ask

"Your sister called saying that you still had that bitch around my child.!" Kay screamed

"First you better lower your voice in MY house. Secondly don't disrespect my woman and she has been around Ryder and she will continue to be around Ryder.!" Devale said

"If she doesn't respect me how she going to respect my baby. Especially after our run in at the mall.!" Kay said towards Devale

"What run in?!" Devale ask

"She didn't tell you?!" Mia ask

" obviously.!" Devale said

"I wonder why she ain't tell you bro.!" Austin said chiming in

"Austin don't be a chick right now bro please don't.!" Devale said

"What happen at the mall?!" Devale mother and father said

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