Chapter 7

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"You don't know shit. Because if you did you wouldn't have shared that story. And you would go upstairs and check on your daughter. My mom was right. Some mothers are jealous of their own child happiness..!" Eva said before she walk out of Crystal house with Tyler behind her. Crystal heard the whole thing she was about to go downstairs and leave until she heard the whole conversation. Fuck her life is like a damn book.

10pm that night

Crystal sat in her living room completely in the dark just thinking about everything. Crystal thank God everyday for bringing her outta so many situations she thought she wasn't going to make. Crystal walk around with a smile and she always laughing but that wasn't to mask her true feelings. Crystal grandmother always taught her to live life even through the storm because it could be your last. Crystal always had to fight but not until she left her ex it seems like her light had been turned back on. Jobs coming in money flowing so what could she possibly be doing wrong. Crystal never really had a good relationship with her mother and her father doesn't talk because of the past. And that past Crystal just couldn't get over it. She just couldn't.

After that bad morning she kept getting calls and text messages from her mother and Eva it was just to much so she turned her phone off. Crystal just needed some time for herself and she doesn't want to talk about what happened. Crystal close her eyes and took a deep breath before she heard a knock on the door

"Hey what are you doing here?!" Crystal ask once she opening her door and seen Devale

"I got take out. You not going to let me in?!" Devale ask and Crystal moved to the side to let him in. Devale walk in as Crystal close and lock her front door and follow Devale towards her kitchen.

"You wasn't picking up the phone.!" Devale said as he took the food outta the bag

"Ohh shit I'm sorry. I had family drama after you left and I turned my phone off.!" Crystal said

"Morning from hell?!" Devale ask

"You have no idea. My family can be a little too much!" Crystal said

"I get that but don't do that again. I must've called you like 20 times today.!" Devale said

"Lol but you just saw me earlier.!" Crystal said

"That's a long time for us. We on the phone every other hour. Or at least text.!" Devale said

"I hear you. What did you bring us?! I haven't ate all day.!" Crystal ask

"And why not.? What have I told you about doing that? That's not healthy. You gotta do better, you hear me.?" Devale ask

"Please don't. I can't take another person telling me what I should do. Or what to say. Urghhhhh why can't I be myself. Why does my past have to do with me now and as a woman?!" Crystal ask but not to really get an answer. Devale was taken back but he knew to stand down. All his time of knowing Crystal he never seen her in this state. Crystal is always laughing, talking, smiling, making jokes, and dancing around. Plus Devale knew to just be there for her and Crystal needed a person to just listen. So Devale lends back and let Crystal vent.

"I mean like fuck. They didn't give a fuck when all them years of me being hurt they didn't care then. They didn't care about the blood or gun nor body. But now since they seen you in my bed they want to judge and act like my past is making me make bad decisions like I'm not a grown ass woman. I literally been taken care of myself since I knew me..!" Crystal rants and then she got up and started walking back and forth

"They got the nerves to say that basically I'm a whore and I make bad choices when it comes to relationships. But that was the past why can't you move on without someone bring up the past. What's eat me up the most is that it be the person you ride for or the person you most close to will say some dirty shit when you knew long time ago to leave that friendship alone. Ugh I'm so mad everyone always see what went wrong and blame me always. Not once did I get a Crystal are you okay. All I got was that I was too smart for this and that to happen like it's my fault. Like if I ask to be hurt. AHHH WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.!" Crystal scream as she grab the vase that was sitting on her kitchen table and threw it to the ground. Crystal quickly snap back into reality once she felt glass breaking around her feet.

"Omg I'm so sorry.!" Crystal said towards Devale as he went and grab Crystal outta the mess she made

"Shhh you don't gotta be sorry. You good?!" Devale ask

"I'm fine-

"You not fine and it's okay it's me you talking to girl. Fuck the glitch, the money, the fame etc its Devale you talking to I know you not okay.!" Devale said

"So why ask.!" Crystal said just below a whisper as she lower and shake her head. Crystal felt herself about to break down and she couldn't let that happen

"Because I'm waiting on you. This is for you.!" Devale said he lift Crystal head up so she could look into his eyes

"Or we could warm up the take out and watch a movie.!" Devale said

"Please.!" Crystal said and Devale nod his head and pulled her into his arms moving side to side. Devale felt his shirt getting wet and he knew Crystal was crying

"It's okay I got you.!" Devale whisper

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