Chapter 11

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"Woman Shh and give me some more loving.!" Devale said making Crystal smile as they kiss the night away.

Ohh yeah they're gonna be just fine

Crystal pov

"Hey I got a favor to ask you.!" Crystal said towards Devale where he was sitting in the lounge.

Crystal was on set of Sistas just to see her man and Tyler. Everything so far have been going amazing. It's been about two months since they made it official and of course nobody knew. They wanted to keep it that way less drama. Crystal couldn't lie she was over the moon happy, Devale just brought something into her life and she can't explain what. Crystal saw a great man in Devale and she couldn't be more happy seen him grow

"Wassup.!" Devale said back to Crystal while he was looking over his lines.

"So my family is having a family bbq, could you be able to make it.?" Crystal ask

"When is it.?" Devale ask

"Today.!" Crystal said

"And you just now asking me.?" Devale ask

"Ohh well since you busy I'll tell them we can't make it.!" Crystal said pulling out her phone

"No I know what you doing. Come on Crystal.!" Devale said

"What do you expect.!" Crystal said

"For you to act your age and talk to your mother and that Eva lady.!" Devale said

"Only if you come with me I'll go.!" Crystal said

"Alright I'll go.!" Devale said

"Thank you.!" Crystal said as she step next to him and lend in for a kiss

"Aye that's enough of that.!" Tyler said coming into the lounge

"Hey Tyler.!" Crystal said playfully rolling her eyes

"I thought you been left.!" Tyler said towards Crystal

"No I just didn't want to listen to all them business calls you had today.!" Crystal replied

"So what y'all got plan today.?" Tyler ask

"We going to Crystal parent house for a bbq party.!" Devale said

"Yeah you wanna come.?" Crystal ask

"Umh hell no. Cause Dream yeahhhh no.!" Tyler said

"Who's Dream.?" Devale ask

"My sister-

"From hell.!" Tyler said finishing Crystal statement

"Anyways you should come it'll be fun.!" Crystal said

"No. I have paperwork that's more fun then that party from hell. Cause that's exactly how tonight gonna go for y'all.!" Tyler said

"You a hater.!" Crystal said laughing. They laugh and talk until it was time to go and get freshen up

It was about 6pm now and crystal and Devale finally arrived at their destination. The car ride was peaceful and quiet and she thank God for that because she really needed to think.

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