Chapter 8

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"Please.!" Crystal said and Devale nod his head and pulled her into his arms moving side to side. Devale felt his shirt getting wet and he knew Crystal was crying

"It's okay I got you.!" Devale whisper

"The next question is could you be in love with two people?!" Crystal ask Devale

Devale and Crystal sat in Devale house playing a game he brought on Amazon. It was a pretty good game a lot of crazy questions as well.

"What kind of question is that?!" Devale ask as he took something outta Ryder mouth.

"You paid and pick this game so answer the question. Could you be in love with two different people?!" Crystal ask the question again

"Umhh I'll say no.!" Devale said

"Why?!" Crystal ask

"Now you asking extra questions.!" Devale said

"So, so answer the question.!" Crystal said

"So have you talk to your cousin and mother?!" Devale ask trying to derail the conversation

"You know I haven't.!" Crystal said. It's been a bout a week and Crystal still hasn't talk to her family and honestly she's okay with it.

"Why not?! You know you can't ignore them forever.!" Devale said

"I can try.!" Crystal said

"Crystal come on. Family is so important.!" Devale said

"So why did you create a broken home for Ryder?!" Crystal ask kind of cold

"Look I'm not trying to upset you okay. And to answer your question I never thought I'll be here.!" Devale said

"Meaning?!" Crystal ask

"All my life I was surrounded by love and support and family so I always thought I'll be married with more then one kid right now.!" Devale said

"Your childhood sounded like fun.!" Crystal said

"It was and thanks to my family every mistake I made was worth it.!" Devale said

"Well some times water is thicker than blood.!" Crystal said

"Please you don't even believe that.!" Devale said

"Ohh now you know me?!" Crystal ask smiling

"Well I knew you pretty well last night when I was-

"Devale your child is in the room.!" Crystal said cutting him off

"Ryder not listen to us.!" Devale said as they both look at Ryder as he looking at them smiling

"He's just the cutest baby I ever seen.!" Crystal said

"Well both his parents did their thing.!" Devale said

"I didn't say that.!" Crystal said

"Just a hater.! Crystal you thought about having kids?!" Devale ask

"Ohh no, but I'm not against having them.!" Crystal said

Knock knock

"Who can that be?!" Crystal ask

"I don't know.!" Devale said but not moving

"You not going to get that?!" Crystal ask giggling

"Nope everyone that I want to see is already in the house.!" Devale said

"What if it's important?!" Crystal ask

"Okay well you open the door.!" Devale said

"Why me?!" Crystal ask

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