Road to Revenge Badge One: Artazon

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After some deliberation, Marshal decided to head towards Artazon first, curious of the works of art there and needing to start somewhere. He marched through the dusty dunes between the academy and Artazon, the scorching sun doing little to deter him, and he knew this was not even the harshest that Paldea had to offer in terms of hot weather.

His quest towards Artazon was uneventful, the dusty dunes, while dangerous to navigate with a single Pokemon, were not excessively dangerous. However as he approached Artazon Marshal began to wonder if he could best a gym with only Wick.

Wick was not particularly strong or weak, but the gym leader would certainly have multiple badges. The gym in Artazon was grass type, so perhaps a fire type would work well there, but which one?

Wick whined, noticing his trainer stressed. Marshal scratched the spectral hound behind the ear, "It's OK Wick I'm just thinking is all." He looked across the wastes and explained his dilemma, "You're a ghost type, so you don't have an edge against the gym in Artazon, along with being my only Pokemon, we could be in a pickle if we just march in like we own the place."

Marshal sat down by Wick and looked up to the sky, "Sis would know what to do."

Wick nudged himself into Marshal's lap to cheer him up. Marshal chuckled softly and continued to pet Wick as he looked around, spotting a furry creature in the distance, the Pokemon's fur was brown and red with black stripes and it dashed across the landscape with great speed despite its small stature. Marshal nudged Wick gently, the hound leapt from his lap and the duo quietly approached the Pokemon to get a better look at it.

Wick growled ready to attack, but Marshal lifted his arm, "Wait. It's hurt."

Marshal watched closely, the Pokemon, which he could now tell was a Growlithe was running scared from something, and limping on one of her paws. Marshal approached it slowly as it ran into a corner, whimpering. It turned to see Marshal and lte out a low growl.

Marshal raised his hands and spoke softly, "Easy. easy. It's OK. I'm a friend."

The Pokemon's growl lowered but stayed at a constant low tone as Marshal approached. He got close enough to examine the wounded paw. It appeared to have been slashed by some sort of sharp appendage, a tusk perhaps?

He took out a potion, and extended his hand. Hesitantly the growlithe offered its paw to Marshal, who sprayed its wound. The Growlithe flinched at first before calming itself, and the growling stopped. It whined as it placed its head to Marshal's hand, its fur much warmer than Wick's. Marshal scratched the Pokemon and assured her, "See, all better." Marshal stood up and continued, "I'm a trainer and could use a fire Pokemon. Do you wanna tag along?"

The Growlithe bowed forward, wagging her tail. Marshal took out a Pokeball and offered it to her. She headbutt it eagerly and went inside. The ball shook three times and clicked. Marshal sent her back out and pet her on the head, "Do you like the name Sparky?"

Sparky woofed happily and the now trio headed towards Artazon, The dusty ground gave way to emerald green grass and the songs of Squakabily filled the air around the lively town. Marshal's stomach growled as he entered and he decided now was as good a time as any for lunch for him and his dogs.

He looked around for a place to eat only for his eye to be caught by a statue of a Sunflora with its leaves outstretched and looking upward.

Sparky sniffed the statue curiously, circling it and then barking.

"Surrendering Sunflora," Marshal muttered to himself as he examined the name engraved on the front of the pot of the statue.

A young man approached Marshal, also looking at the art piece. He had bags under his eyes and a purple suit, along with brown messy hair. He inquired to Marshal, "How do you feel about this piece?"

"I have never been one for the art of sculpting," Marshal confessed, "But the idea of surrender to another makes me uneasy. I can tell this wasn't the artist's intent but..."

"Art does tend to be subjective," the young man shrugged. "My name is Brassius," the young man introduced himself, "And you are?"

"Marshal," Marshal replied, "Hey if I may ask, do you know a good place to get lunch around here? I don't want to challenge the gym on an empty stomach."

"Ah you're a challenger?" Brassius inquired, "Well, you can get a nice Klawf al Ajillo over there. Might I be able to join you? I have not eaten myself."

Marshal nodded, "By all means friend."

The two began to walk towards the restaurant, Marshal followed by Wick and Sparky.

"Are you fond of dogs?" Brassius inquired.

Marshal shrugged, "I mean these two lil fellas yeah."

Brassius smiled, "I see. You truly care for your Pokemon don't you?"

Marshal nodded, "Wick has been with me for years, Sparky here though, she's a new friend, caught her just outside town. She had been injured, looked like she was gored by some sort of tusked Pokemon, perhaps Donphan?"

"There have been a fair number of reports of such things in the area," Brassius nodded as the two sat down to eat, "However I know little on the matter. I am curious about you as a retainer though. Tell me, do you consider battling to be art?"

"Art can be used to help people I suppose," Marshal shrugged, "And there is a beauty in it, a grace. It makes no difference to me if positive change comes at the end of a brush or a Flamethrower."

"Fasijnating," Brassius nodded, "Are you fond of the works of Siebold as well?"

Marshal shook his head, "His works no, unless we are counting his battles, which I guess we are."

Brassius nodded, "I see. Always good to broaden your perspective. Anyways I suppose I should explain that I am the gym leader you will be fighting today."

"Well then I look forward to our art," Marshal smiled, extending his hand for a handshake.

Brassius shook his hand and replied, "It will be a collaboration of a work."

Brassius finished his meal and stood up, "I look forward to it. I will be waiting for you at the battlefield. You can consider this as having passed the gym trial."

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