Bad Ending Four: On The Run (Operation Supernova + The Harsher Times Only)

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Marshal turned towards the crowd, the air was still and the cool breeze of the night sliced through the air like a knife. He declared, spreading his arms, his voice full of resolve, "Ubel must be stopped at all costs! We shall raze his academy to the ground in the name of everyone he has hurt! In the name of our sister whom he killed!"

Penny whispered to Marshal as the crowd cheered, gently nudging him to lean down and turn away so the crowd couldn't hear, "Are you sure about this?"

Marshall nodded, "I have connections I can talk to. Don't worry about a thing..."

Things calmed down as the night went on and everyone began to sleep, one by one, leaving Marshal alone. He looked up at the waning moon, which lit the grassy fields of Paldea. WInd fences through the blades of emerald green grass. Marshal stood in the center of that field, watching the tar black Tarous of the region run by.

He could hear the grass rustle behind him and a familiar voice greeted him, "How ya doin son?"

Marshal greeted Clavell with a hug, "Hey dad! Good to see ya!"

Clavell chuckled and hugged him back, "I'm always here for you kid. Now, you said you and Team Star are attacking the academy tomorrow?"

Marshal nodded. Clavell took a stern tone and leaned down to look Marshal dead in the eyes. He spoke with the authority of a father scolding his son, and stated his intentions plainly, and demanded an answer. "Are you going to take his life, Marshal?"

Marshal nodded shamefully. He knew on some level what he was doing was wrong but continued all the same, consumed by his vengeful hatred.

Clavell sighed, and scolded the boy, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Without destroying his credibility he will have defenders. You'll make him a martyr."

"He killed my sister," Marshal sighed, looking away in shame. "I can't suffer for him to live. What if he hurts someone else?"

Clavell rubbed his eyes with mental exhaustion, frustrated. He stated directly, ripping into Marshal with the simplest of words. "My disappointment in you, my son, is immeasurable."

Marshal nodded in understanding, wanting to cry but not wanting to cry in front of Clavell. He knew Clavell was right to be disappointed in him for this choice, but his anger and hate demanded he proceeded all the same. To him, vengeance mattered more than anything at this point. The agony in his soul, a burning wound left by Madeline's demise, consumed him more than most could imagine.

He could choose not to follow that burning wound, but he did not.

Clavell sighed, and continued, "Do you know about Kitakami?"

Marshal nodded.

Clavell continued, "I will have a boat ready to take you there after the task is done. You will be out of reach of the Paldean law there. AFter that... I can't help you. You know that right?"

Marshal nodded solemnly.

"Such a waste," Clavell sighed. He pat Marshal on the head. "You know it's never ot late to change your mind. Good luck kid."

With that Clavell left, and the day arrived...

Team Star shattered the gate with the SUpernova Mobile, sending wooden debris across the entrance to the city. They fought off the followers of Ubel as marshal charged forward.

In the center of town, without the help of the league, Marshal was forced to fight off Ubel's forces himself.

He then reached the academy, where the staff fought Ube's forces, leaving him a clear path tp Ubel. Ubel smugly stood in front of the academy, and tried to taunt Marshal, but Marshal didn't hesitate, and attacked in a blind rage.

A silence fell over the crowd as they turned to see Marshal standing over Ubel's corpse. His airs rang as the reality of the situation. He had taken a human life, evil or no, a human life all the same.

Penny yelled something to him and dragged him away, but he couldn't hear what it was. He heard sirens as the Supernovamobile tore across the country to the docks. The other members of Team Star fought off the authorities as the Supernovamobile took Marshal and Penny to the docks.

Penny and Marshal only had a moment to speak as Penny hurried Marshal onto the boat.

"Did I do the right thing?" Marshal asked.

"WHAT?" Penny demanded, "NO!"

Marshal sighed, "Yeah that's fair."

Penny sighed and shook her head, "Just... don't... don't call us for a bit. We'll call you."

Marshal nodded in understanding. He asked, "Are we... like... still family.?"

Penny nodded, "But I don't wanna talk right now."

Marshal nodded in understanding and got on the boat, leaving Paldea as he waved goodbye...

And so, Ubel's plans were thwarted by Clavell, Jacq, and Team Star. Arven never did forgive Marshal, especially since Marshal never warned him of his plans, shattering their bond. Team Star however did forgive Marshal and time, and visited him in Kitakami, where he performed the photoshoot with Tulip which covered his finances for the foreseeable future. However he was left broken and filled with regret. At the very least Ubel's empire was stopped before it started, and Team Star were known as heroes, despite Marshal's actions. However the truth of Ubel's crimes were never exposed, leaving him remembered fondly by the masses...

Team Star burns bright.

The truth remained hidden.

The future was changed.

Author's Notes: I regret making so many bad endings these are very tedious to write. Imam finish it cause it's 3 more, and then 2 more chapters but these suck to write. Hence why tey seemed rushed. Sorry. 

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