Bad Ending Seven: Duel At 80MPH (Road to Revenge and Operation Supernova Only)

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Penny and the rest of Team Star arrived in response to a text from Marshal the day of the stream. The air was tense as the captains and Penny waited for the masses to react to the news, standing out of frame of the stream. As the news was revealed and the footage played, Penny's phone went off with texts from grunts outside the city.


Penny called, "Guys we got to go!"

"What's the plan?" Iono asked.

Penny smiled, "We have a set of wheels..."

A massive truck tore across the hills of Paldea at full speed, tearing up the grass and scaring away wild Pokemon. It tore through the land with a fury as Ubel demanded to the driver, "Come on! Faster! We have to get to Galar!"

A roar filled the hair, as the Supernovamobile crest over a hill to the side of Ubel's truck.

The leaders of Team Star stood atop the car, Giacomo hung on the side with Marshal as Iono stood on top. "You got this," Giacomo assured as Marshal climbed to the platform atop, Iono helping him up.

Ubel climbed atop his truck, frothing at the mouth in a blind rage, "You degenerates! I'll slaughter you all!"

Iono pat Marshal on the back, "You got this bro, we have you back."

Mela synched speed with Ubel's car as him and Marshal began to fight. Marshal prevailed, prompting Ubel to leap back into the car in a blind rage, kicking his henchmen out of the driver seat and steering a full 180 degrees.

"He's gonna ram us!" Giacomo screamed. Eri pulled him in as quick as she could just before impact, but Iono and Marshal were still atop the car. Iono grabbed Marshal by the shirt collar to keep him from flying off in the impact which totaled both cars. No one was severely hurt, but Marshal's arm was shattered against the railing atop the car and Ubel was stuck, his leg crushed by bent metal.

Marshal stood up, death in his eyes as his arm stayed limp at his side. He glared at Ubel as Team Star made sure everyone was alright, Iono calling Nemona to tell her to get help, unaware as Marshal approached the incapacitated bigot.

Marshal tried to speak, to ask Ubel why, only for Ubel to spit in his face. Ubel hurled obscenities, words to harsh to repeat in this text, and Marshal snapped, slammed his head into the jagged metal, piercing his skull and killing him instantly.

Marshal froze for a moment, and turned to see his friends, his family, collecting themselves. He walked over silently and whispered to Iono.

Iono demanded, "What? Uhhh... Penny? We have a problem..."

Penny called some friends from Galar for Marshal to stay with, as staying in Paldea wasn't an option. However, his bonds to Team Star, Nemona and Iono slowly faded as they felt betrayed by Marshal's actions. Marshal meanwhile, became a minor league gym leader in Galar, never able to move up due to the shame of his own actions.

Team Star remained in Paldea as a resistance but Ubells' bigoted followers did eventually rise to power and enact his plans.

The truth was revealed.

Team Star burns bright.

The future remains unchanged...

Author's Notes: FINALLY! We can write the good part and wrap this up. I regret doing the bad endings they were kinda boring. At least now I can write the fun part.

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