Going Supernova Ending: The Incident

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains a graphic description of a murder/death. Viewer discretion is advised.

Team Star gathered at Mela's base that night, the leaders and grunts catching up under the moonlight. It was a family reunion in a sense. Ortega and Giacomo talked as they set up a screen for a projector Mela and Penny worked on getting working. Eri set up some blankets to sit on for everyone as a lively joy filled the air. This mood would be dampened as the tape was shown but it wasn't time yet.

Penny stepped out in front of the crowd with Marshal and tried to timidly get everyone's attention to no avail.

Eri screamed, demanding silence from the crowds, "Hey! Everyone! Shut the hell up! The boss is speaking!"

Eri smiled at Penny and pat her on the back before she began to speak. She cleared her throat and took a serious tone, "A little over two years ago, someone very dear was taken from us unjustly. Many of you may remember a member of Team Star named Madeline. We have evidence we will shortly be showing that proves that she murdered by none other than director Ubel. The same who seeks to kick us out of the academy. We will be making him pay for his crimes by charging down the academy, by force if needed. I will forge this upon none of you and any who wish to leave may do so. We are calling this plan Operation Supernova. Marshal will be leading this operation. However, as is the tradition of things, I will be battling Marshal in order to prove he has the strength to stop Ubel."

There was whispering amongst the crowd as Marshal stepped forward, elaborating with a hate fueled determination, "Ubel killed my sister. To many of us, OUR sister. He is a transphobic bigot who cares not for right and wrong but his own zealotry and ego. Who will stand with us to return justice to Paldea?"

There was a tense silence as the crowd looked on the bosses, before there was a quiet chanting, "supernova..." It grew, "Supernova. Supernova! SUPERNOVA!"

Penny raised her arms and the crowd fell silent. They then heard an engine purring. Penny continued, "I have given secret orders to the bosses to design a new weapon to take on Ubel's bigoted forces. I present to you all, the effort of all of us, the Supernovamobile."

The Supernovamobile peeled out from a tent on the other end of the camp, with an airbrushed memorial on its sides of Madeline with the Team Star bosses and Marshal. The colors of the base coat of paint were a gradient, red at the front, to orange, to yellow, and white at the back, like a star mid explosion. This mechanical marvel, this beast of metal, it towered over a regular Starmobile at nearly double the size. Otherwise it imitated the appearance of its lessers.

Penny stood atop the Supernovamobile and demanded to Marshal, "Now! Brother, show to me you're strong enough to end Ubel's tyranny!"

Sister Penny would like to battle!

Penny opened by sending out her Flareon, the crowd watched in anticipation. The Supernovamobile roared to life, assisting Penny's Pokémon by calling down an artificial sunlight.

The Supernovamobile calls down harsh sunlight in response to Penny's Pokémon!

The sunlight cannot be removed!

Marshal knew Glitter would be unable to handle the heat, so instead he sent out Paws, who roared and readied for battle.

The Flareon struck first, charging full force with a Flare Blitz. Flareon surrounded itself in a roaring flame which consumed its thick fur coat, and slammed full force into Paws, lighting the bear ablaze.

Paws roared in agony and reared up on his hind legs, before slamming back down head first, slamming Flareon into the ground with a Headlong Rush.

Flareon laid on its back, severely wounded, as Paws's breathing was deep and labored. Paws lunges forward to finish Flareon off, but a harsh blast of raging fire enhanced by the harsh sunlight burned Paws to ashes. Paws cried out and fell over, fainted.

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