Bad Ending Two: Throwing The Future Away (The Harsher Times Only)

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Marshal stood up and turned to Arven, he stated with death in his eyes. "No. I'm ending this. We know Ubel's plans and that's all we need to take him out."

Arven protested, "Take him out? Marshal I understand your anger but killing him won't bring her back. You know that. We're here for you, and I don't want you to throw your future away for revenge."

Marshal snapped back, "What future?!? My sister is dead! Because of him! Because of this brainless bigot! My whole treasure hunt has been to aquire his head! That's been my treasure Arven! Ubel's head on a plate! I'm claiming it. All this agony is because of HIM!"

Marshal began to walk away only to hear the sound of a Pokéball. "You're my brother Marshal..." Arven sighed sadly, "I won't let you do this to yourself..."

Brother Arven would like to battle!

Arven did all he could to stop Marshal from throwing his life away in his own anger, but alas, he was far outclassed by the boy. Arven was a very powerful trainer but Marshal had become stronger than he had imagined. Worse still, his Pokémon were tired from the journey through Area Zero, leaving him defenseless.

Marshal turned to leave once more, a sadness overtook him as he thought about what he was doing. How this would effect those he loved, but he continued all the same, blinded by wrath. Even in his wrath however he expressed his gratitude to his family, "Thanks for everything, Arven. You were the best brother I could ask for."

Arven pleaded, "Wait! I can't lose you as well! Come back! Marshal! Marshal don't do this!"

However mounted upon Walking Wake Marshal rode off, not crying until he was out of sight as regret welled in his chest, like a Geodude laying on his torso. He repressed the feeling and continued towards the Academy.

Ubel was expecting him, and the gates to the city were closed. Ubel had massed an ungeround following which guarded the city gates.

Team Star's Starmobiles would have been helpful here.

However Marshal broke through himself, fighting tooth and nail against the guards.

In the center of town a small defense force stood, protecting Ubel. A bunch of bigots and zealots following an even greater evil. Marshal fought them off one by one alone.

The League could have helped here if they were present.

He continued through the empty streets, the kind people of this town now overrun by hateful goons hiding in fear of Ubel's riding empire. Marshal approached the academy to see Ubel's forces fighting the teachers on Clavell's orders, allowing Marshal to slip inside to confront the zealot.

In his office he awaited the boy, and misgendered him, facing the window, "Ah so the sister comes to avenge her sister."

"I found your notebook, you're finished," Marshal declared. "Look outside, the teachers are attempting a coup. I've destroyed the rest of your forces myself. It's OVER. You LOST!"

Ubel shook his head, "I am chosen by Arceus, girl. I should have known you were the degenerate. Madeline's life was wasted protecting you."

Ubel turned around, "I will soon use my own Pokémon as the basis for my army of steel, then I shall march upon this region to establish my empire."

It was then Marshal realized to his horror, Ubel's team were the present forms of the future Paradox Pokémon. "You won't get away with this! Your so called "empire" ends here you zealot!"

Director Ubel would like to battle...

The battle was tense and close but Ubel fell all the same. Fear filled his eyes as Marshal approached. "Wait! Iono! I can tell my forces you and her are two of the good ones! I can give you everything! Please! For the will of Arceus!"

"You've gaslit yourself into thinking you're in the right," Marshal growled, death in his eyes as he grabbed Ubel's throat and squeezed. The old man gasped for hair and struggled to no avail. Marshal was so full of hatred that each blow to his face was nothing now. "But you always knew you were wrong. After all, if you truly thought you were right you wouldn't be scared of dying cause you'd think you were going to Heaven. Hell awaits you."

There was a snap in Ubel's neck, and he was gone. His cold lifeless body fell to the floor as Marshal fell to his knees. He knew what he had done, and he had accepted the consequences.

Marshal's trail was swift and he was convicted to life in prison with no parole for first degree murder.

Team Star was exiled, forced out by slander from Ubel's remaining followers.

The allegations against Ubel didn't stick due to his lofty reputation and the brutality of the murder painting Marshal in a bad light.

However Clavell did stop those followers from seizing power via the info in the notebook and his connections.

When all was said and done he sat im his office and unpacked his things once again as he had done decades ago when he first acquired his position.

There was a photo of Madeline and Marshal. He sighed sadly as he set it on his desk by a photo of him and Arven.

He, in his mind, had let one of his sons down...

Team Star burnt out.

The truth remained hidden.

The future has changed.

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