Bad Ending One (No Storylines Completed): Rush to Retribution

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Marshal burst through the doors of Ubel's office, a look of pure hatred on his face as he marched up to Ubel's desk and slammed his fist down, "YOU!"

"Woah easy kid what seems to be the problem," Ubel gave a disarming chuckle.

"You know EXACTLY why I'm here," Marshal snapped back.

"Is this about Madeline?" Ubel inquired before shaking his head, "Marshal she was a degenerate sand delusional. It was a mercy!"

"Mercy?" Marshal demanded, "MERCY? You! Killed! My! Sister!"

Marshal gripped his Pokeball and continued, "And besides she's not even what you hated. I am! Even by your own logic, broken and twisted as it is, you killed an innocent woman!"

And thus they battled, and when Marshal stood victorious he, he clenched his fist. "It's over."

Ubel spat at Marshal, raw hatred in his eyes, "You're a delusional fool who belongs in the kitchen, and if your sister supported you like this she deserved to di-"

Marshal lunged forward in a blind rage, he leapt over the desk and grabbed Ubel by the throat. There was a loud crash as they flew through the window and fell towards the front of the school...

Neither survived the fall.

What happened next was a series of tragedies.

First, the environment of Paldea began to become overrun by powerful Paradox Pokemon, leading to civil unrest. Closed minded fools seized power in the chaos, the tragic death of an "innocent" director named Ubel became the core of their group as they took over Paldea, driving it to ruin.

Team Star was forced to flee due to their connections to Marshal and the now corrupt leadership trying to pin Ubel's murder on them as well, forcing them to retreat from the region.

Ubel was remembered falsely as a hero, and his crimes never came to light, while Marshal was remembered falsely as a deranged monster.

Team Star burned out.

The truth remained hidden.

The future remains unchanged.

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