The Harsher Times Badge Two: Insectoid Threats

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Marshal carried on, unsure where to focus his attention first, and sleeping on it hadn't helped matters. Four days had already passed, and despite training his Pokémon, his friends, in the interim he still felt aimless.

He began to approach a mountain, deciding he would just begin towards the nearest Team Star Base just to do something, anything. It was the very same mountain where the Titan Bombeider had once resided.

However as he began to approach he noticed the air became warmer and warmer. It became broiling hot in a matter of minutes and a low electronic hum filled the air.

Marshal looked up at the sky where he saw a light that was not the Sun. Instead he saw a titan that resembled Volcarona, hovering over the mountain. It looked to be made of metal, and its orange metal plates beamed down harsh artificial sunlight. A second Titan slept under the rays, it was fluffy but still menacing due to its stature, resembling a fuzzy Volcarona that could not fly.

Marshal sighed, "Whelp fellas here we go again. Let's see probably either bug or fire types, so, Sparky, you'll be up."

Sparky barked happily in response, ready to assist. Marshal took out his phone and called Arven, "Hey, Arven? I found some titans."

"I'm on my way," Arven replied before hanging up.

Marshal looked up at the daunting climb before him, he shrugged, "Well we may as well get started. Wick? Ghost resists bug you ready?"

Wick barked eagerly. Marshal and his Pokémon began to scale the mountain, under the scalding artificial heat. As Marshal neared the top there was a mechanical whirling sound followed by the sound of something slithering through dirt. It was an unnerving sound, like someone's fingers tapping on a wooden desk.

"Marshal look out!" A voice called from behind. Marshal leapt out of the way just in time to evade a blast of fire from an Iron Moth. Marshal staggered and fell on the ground, and saw Arven approaching. Arven quickly helped Marshal to his feet. "You OK?"

"Yeah yeah," Marshal assured. "Thanks."

"Brace yourself!" Arven ordered, "Here they come!"

Arven sent out his Garganacl as Marshal sent Paws into the fray. He ordered Paws, "You're up! The others have to save their strength for the titan!"

Paws nodded in understanding.

Paradox Pokémon Horde would like to battle!

Out of the gate Garganacl threw salt at the Iron Moth, which made a sound like a computer crying out in pain before collapsing out of the sky and falling defeated upon the ground. Another Iron Moth flew into the fray almost instantly. Paws lunges towards Slither Wing, which roared and stood upright, before grabbing Paws with its legs and trashing about wildly with Close Combat. Paws fainted, but Slither Wing was left wide out, its soft underbelly exposed.

Marshal sent out Sparky and returned Paws, assuring Paws, "You did all you could." He ordered Wick to attack as Garganacl took out the second Iron Moth the same as the first. Wick lunged forward and bit down hard on Slither Wing's underbelly, flames spewed from her mouth, the bite wound being burned shut on impact with Sparky's Fire Fang, leaving the horde defeated.

The titan Iron Moth looked down and let out a sound like a computer heating up. The titan Slither Wing let out a hissing sound and began to skitter down the mountain.

Twin Titans Iron Moth and Slither Wing attacked!

Arven cried out, "OK it's two on two we can do this Marshal!"

"I'm right behind you!" Marshal assured, "I'll focus on Slither Wing for now!"

Arven nodded, ordering his Garganacl to throw salt at the titan Iron Moth, its LED eyes flickered on and off, as bits of salt from Salt Cure got caught between its wings, draining it of strength. Meanwhile, Marshal ordered Sparky to strike with purple orbs of fire at Slither Wing, burning it and sapping it of its strength with Will-O-Wisp.

From here the duo of titans could do very little to Marshal and Arven, and despite their best efforts were easily worn down by salt and burns. As the two titans fell Arven returned Garganacl and sighed, "Arceus I am so over this stuff."

"You good?" Marshal inquired.

Arven nodded, "Yeah yeah it's just... thinking about my parents."

"Yeah I feel that," Marshal conceded solemnly, "My parents died in an accident years ago. I was raised by Madeline."

"I thought Madeline was a member of Team Star," Arven replied.

"I had some issues with bullies but she was the oldest member at 18," Marshal explained, "Just old enough to legally take me in before she..."

"I'm sorry for your loss," Arven pat Marshal on the back, "I learned in an incident a bit back one of my parents died in Area Zero."

"I mean," Marshal assured trying to comfort Arven, "I'm not claiming to be a replacement but I'm here for you."

"As to you," Arven gave a weary smile. He looked up at the sky, now clear of the influence of the Paradox Pokémon, "Nice day out."

"Yeah," Marshal replied, "I should probably heal up Paws so he can play."

"You truly love your Pokémon huh?" Arven chuckled.

Marshal nodded, "They're kinda the only family I got."

"I mean," Arven shook his head, "Your family is just the people you love as such. You can love someone in many ways, platonic, romantic, or familial. At this point my family is Penny, Nemona, and that champion trainer who's out of the region right now."

"Huh," Marshal replied, "That makes sense. Not much different from a form of adoption if you ask me."

Arven smiled wide, "Yeah man you get me."

Arven sighed and frowned as the duo reached the bottom of the mountain, "I am... worried about my sisters though if I'm being honest. Last I heard Penny was having a panic attack and Nemona... I don't even know what's going on but she seems to have caved inwards. She won't talk to me."

"I mean I can try to ask her about it," Marshal offered, "She seems nice but she seemed to be avoiding calls from someone."

"I appreciate it but is there anything I can do for Penny?" Arven inquired.

"I have a plan but for now just stay away from Ubel," Marshall assured.

"Ubel?" Arven inquired, "Why would I want anything to do with that Arceus-accursed bigot?"

"Yeah he sucks," Marshal agreed, "But we'll figure it out."

"Thanks Marshal," Arven smiled, "Hey you know that port town with the auctions? A couple titans were spotted nearby. Can you meet me there?"

Marshal nodded, "I'll head strait there."

Arven nodded, patting Marshal on the shoulder, "You're a good man, and if I may say so, a dear friend. Madeline would be proud."

"Thanks," Marshal replied, "I'm sure your family is proud of you as well."

Arven nodded, before walking away, "Well, I'll cya there Marshal."

With that Arven left, the sun setting. Marshal began to walk towards a Pokémon Center before continuing down the road towards his next trial...

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