The Harsher Times Badge One: The Twin Tusked Titans

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Marshal rolled over in his sleep, snuggling Paws in his arms as the sunlight crept in through the front of the tent. He moaned and opened his eyes to see Paws, asleep in his arm. Sparky had rolled over, exposing her tummy. Marshal sat up, tucking Paws in so he could sleep and scratched Sparky's tummy. He got out of bed and exited to see the other members of Team Star begin to awaken. Two of them gossiped, Marshal wasn't quite able to hear what they said but he heard his own name and Ubel mentioned in the same breath, followed by a quiet hatred for Ubel spreading across their faces.

Mela tapped Marshal on the shoulder, "Hey, morning dude you sleep OK?"

Marshal nodded, "Yeah sure did. How about you?"

Mela nodded, "Yeah. Slept fine. You wanna eat breakfast with the rest of us? We usually eat as a team and you technically are in charge of this base now."

"Yeah one sec," Marshal replied. He stuck his head back in his tent and called, "Guys! Breakfast!" Paws rolled out of bed, half asleep, only to be caught by Wick, who broke her fall with his fluffy body. Sparky stretched and rolled over, panting eagerly.

The trio ran out of the tent and towards the tables where breakfast was being served as Mela chucked, "What a cute trio."

She turned to Marshal and inquired, "So where you headed after this?"

Marshal looked at his phone and then replied, "There's a thing that Clavell needed help with nearby, I'm gonna head there."

"Well until then why don't we get caught up a bit," Mela suggested.

As the two ate they got each other up to speed on their lives. It was like they had never stopped talking.

Marshal had missed this, much more than he realized. His friendships and bonds, the people he cared about. His hatred for Ubel, while partially justified, had grown into a toxic fog that blinded him to what he still had.

After he ate he left, asking on his way out, "Oh do you wanna exchange contact info?"

"Totally," Mela replied, taking out her phone. After the two exchanged numbers she replied, "Stay safe out there. Ubeli's dangerous."

"I know," Marshal nodded, "I'll be alright. Cya later Mela."

"Cya later Marshal," Mela smiled.

WIth that marshal left for his next job, a report of two huge titans and the rocky cliffs south of Artazon. As he returned to the area, Sparky began to whimper. Marshal pet her and asked, "What's wrong girl? It's OK. Nothing's gonna hurt ya."

As he entered a low area of the cliffsides, he heard a large roar, and was suddenly charged by a swarm of strange Pokemon that looked like Donphan, some with massive tusks, others with metal skin. It was then he recalled the injury SParky had and returned her to her ball to protect her. He called out, "Paws! Wick! Get ready!"

A wild Great Tusk and Iron Treads attacked!

"Stay away from him!" a voice cried. A young man with blonde and brown hair and a huge backpack charged in sending out a Mabosstiff. "Get out of here dude! It's dangerous! I'll cover you!"

"I can't leave I'm supposed to help handle this!" Marshal protested.

"You Marshal?' the young man inquired.

Marshal nodded.

Arven shook his head, "They sent a novice like you? They must be truly desperate with Ubel's shenanigans. Fine. I'm Arven! We'll be working together on this!"

"Got it!" Marshal nodded.

Arven elaborated, 'They're going to swarm us! Be ready!"

Strange Pokemon Swarm would like to battle!

Great Tusk and Iron Treads attacked!

Arven sent out his Scovillian while Marshal sent out WIck, the two ready for battle against the swarm of odd Pokemon that Marshal had never seen before. They looked like DOnphan but... wrong. He pulled out his Rotom Phone and commented to Arven, "Hey the Pokedex has like, no data on these things what even are they?"

"It's complicated!" Arven retorted, "I can explain later for now we have to focus on the task at hand!"

Marshal nodded and prepared for battle. Scovillian struck first, blasting the Iron Treads with a torrent of fire which melted its hide and knocked the Pokemon unconscious. Great Tusk suddenly lunged forward at Soovillian, swinging its trunk with a spin, using Rapid Spin which did little but gave the pokemon momentum. WIck lunged forward, using Bite to clamp down hard onto the hard outer shell of the Great Tusk, which did little damage to it. It shook Wick off unphased.

A second Iron Threads charged in, replacing its fallen ally. Great Tusk used Earthquake,, causing the ground to split open and shatter, the shrapnel of stone ripping every Pokemon aside from itself to shreds.

Arven sent out Cloyster and Marshal sent out Paws, who was eager to fight. No further Iron Threads offered backup to the Great Tusk. It once more slammed Arven's Pokemon with its trunk, building more speed. Arven ordered CLoyster to strike with a torrent of water, which pushed Great Tusk and slammed it into a wall, fainting it.

The horde had been defeated.

"There's still a lot of them," Marshal demanded, "Why aren't they attacking?"

"They're not the leader," Arven replied, "Here, let me heal your Pokemon."

The earth trembled with footsteps like Arceus was stomping its feet in fury. "Here they come!" Arven exclaimed as two titans emerged.

Twin Titans Great Tusk and Iron Treads emerged from the swarm!

The two titans let out deafening roars, ready for battle against the two trainers before them. Arven stood his ground, declaring, "We aren't scared of you!"

Marshal sent out Sparky, only for the dog to yelp and hide behind him at the sight of the titans, tail tucked between her legs.

Marshal raised his Pokeball, he called to her, "Come back! I won't force you to fight!"

Sparky turned to look at Marshal, she recalled the kindness Marshal had showed her. She howled, despite her fear, and stood her ground. These were the Pokemon who had hurt her, but Marshal had saved her when she was wounded and alone, and she was determined to protect her trainer.

The Great Tusk acted first, roaring and lunging forward, swinging its trunk with Karate Chop, which blasted back Arven's Cloyster. Iron Treads followed up by lunging, rolling up into a ball and building speed with Rollout, which knocked out Cloyster. Arven groaned, "Darn it!"

He sent out his Toedcruel. Finally, in a fit of rage, and a deep desire to protect her friends, Sparky charged, fire spewing from her teeth as she bit down hard on the exposed armorless sides of Iron Treads, which cried out in agony, the thin armor was shattered by Fire Fang, a critical blow to the soft underbelly, which knocked the titan down. This gave Arven an opening, Toedcruel struck with Powerwhip, grabbing the trunk of Great Tusk and slamming it with an overhead swing by its arms with Powerwhip which knocked out the titan.

Arven extended his arm, offerings a high five which Marshal accepted. "Great work dude!"

"Not half bad yourself Marshal," Arven smiled. "Anyways I'll round these guys up and we will handle the others later."

"So..." Marshal inquired, "What... are these?"

"They are unnatural Pokemon caused by an... incident in the crater," Arven chose his worlds carefully, "And there are swarms all over the region each led by two titans. We are gathering them to prevent ecological disaster, and, if we are able, to rehome them with caring owners. First though we need to study them to ensure it's safe to do so."

Marshal nodded in understanding, "Got it."

Arven carried on, "It's been fun Marshal, but I gotta go. We should do lunch sometime though."

Marshal nodded, 'Totally."

Arven added, "Here's my number, give me a call sometime."

Marshal nodded, "Will do."

Arven ran off, 'Now I gotta gather up these guys! Here, take this titan badge as thanks and stay safe out there!"

"Will do!" Marshal replied as he left.

Marshal began to walk away, thinking to himself. He began to feel impatient.

He could go after Ubel, he knew where he was, what he could do to him if he just marched right into that office.

Marshal could end all this right now...

Author's Note: This fanfic is drawing some inspiration from Chrono Trigger with multiple endings depending on when the "final boss" (Ubel) is confronted. These will be determined by which storylines are finished, but these bad endings will not show the battle with Ubel itself (I would have to write it like 9 times if I did that), only the before and after of the battle. The next chapter will be the first bad ending.

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