The Harsher Times Ending: Mad Zealot's Sins

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Marshal stood at the edge of the Greater Crater of Paldea, his heart raced as he look down at the cloud shrouded pits below.

He was about to enter the most dangerous area in Paldea, and confront whatever horrific things Ubel did down there. Arven pat him on the back, "We got this man. Together."

Marshal shook his head, "I just want this to be over dude. You know?"

"It almost is," Arven assured, "I get how you feel. On some level I felt the same way the first time I came to Area Zero, but the relief when I faced that AI and it was finally over was bliss. I know we'll stop Ubel. I know he's scary but you're not alone."

Marshal gave a relieved smile, "Thanks man." He adjusted a parachute on his back, "So do we just aim for the bottom?"

"Yeah even if these fails our Rotom Phones will catch us but that can hurt your arms from this high up so, better we use these." Arven replied.

Marshal tried to work up the courage to jump. He thought about his family, Madeline, and his hatred for Ubel. However it was not the hatred that gave him the courage but the love for his family.

He walked back a few steps, "OK. OK. I'm gonna do it." Marshal let out a scream to psyche himself up and leapt with all his might into the crater, ripping the cord on his parachute just above the clouds. The green fabric chute slowed his descent through the clouds, which were wet and frosty. This sensation like falling through slush lasted only a few seconds before he was beholden to the horrible majesty of Area Zero.

Area Zero was a dazzling, but dangerous place. The crystals dazzled the eyes in a rainbow, sparkling display under what seemed to be eternal sunlight. Maybe night and day merely looked the same down here?

Arven and Marshal began to walk downward, passing by various hostile Pokémon of the future they had to fight off. However their Pokémon were strong and their brotherhood stronger, meaning the beasts of that era were of little threat to them by this point.

So they began to walk as they proceeded, Walking Wake affectionately nuzzling Marshal and causing him to stagger due to its girth from time to time. Marshal chuckled, "Heh! Down big guy! Easy!"

Arven chuckled, "Yeah, he's a big old teddy bear isn't he?"

"Yeah," Marshal chuckled, "But like, you remember our theory on how if the future is better the future Pokémon would be weaker?"

Arven nodded, "Yeah I was thinking on that. Maybe it had some connection to the future Pokémon having "Ubel Industries" engraved into their bodies."

"I mean it would make sense," Marshal shrugged, "Has Jacq found anything on them?"

"They're organic inside," Arven replied, "At least mostly. Enough so they live and breathe and eat. However, their exteriors are like armor, and they only open up, in an almost literal sense, to trainers they trust. It feels more like normal Pokémon twisted into metal casings than anything else."

"I mean maybe Ubel wanted to build weapons?" Marshal shrugged before getting a confused expression, "Or would it be will want to? I dunno man. Maybe he wants to now and just, hasn't yet?"

"Yeah but it sounds like something he would do," Arven reminded as the duo entered the cave near the bottom of Area Zero, "I should call Florian and see if any of his Paradox Pokémon have any clues but he's only speaking to Nemona in code. Which, the more I think on it, that's really worrying, right? Something's up there."

"I'll speak to Nemona about it next I see her," Marshal assured as the two began to walk past the dormant Glimora, the lake at the bottom was quiet, and the thin puddle-depth layer of water sloshed and rippled as they walked through it. "This place is crazy though. I'm not shocked Ubel hid something down here."

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