Road to Revenge Ending: Champion Marshal

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Marshal walked away from the crowd, not wanting to say something he'd regret, so he left to collect himself. He walked out, the grassy fields lit by the moonlight. The tall grass danced in the cool winds of the evening, the lunar light allowing Marshal to look out across the fields in full, across Paldea. He thought about what Ubel would do to the region if not stopped, and about how this would hurt his family.

However, to take Ubel's life , was that needed to stop him? If it was, yes, it would be just as to save more lives by ending his one but it was not needed in this case. Marshal knew on some level it was therefore unjust, and that his murderous hatred was driven not by a desire fro justice, but for vengeance. An eye for an eye, a life for a life, this was his dark desire. A desire he struggled against to do the right thing. For himself, for morality, and for his family alike.

He heard the grass rustle behind him followed by a voice, "Hey. You OK?"

Marshal turned around to see Penny, still shaken but composed enough to check on him. Marshal dodged the question, both to avoid answering and from concern, "Are YOU OK? That tape was horrifying."

Penny shook her head, and sadly conceded, "None of this is OK, man. None of this is. I just... I dunno, I want this to be over so things can be OK."

"I mean," Marshal sighed, "I don't think iI'm ever going to be, OK. You know? After all this."

Penny shook her head, "I mean I think you can. Like, be OK and happy or something. It'll take a while though, probably therapy. I mean I needed therapy after the whole ordeal with Team Star let alone what happened with Madeline."

Marshal sighed, "Yeah I just... Arceus... what else is there to say?"

Penny offered a hug and hugged Marshal tight, assuring him, "It's gonna be OK bro. You still have me, us, as your brothers and sisters."

"I love you sis," Marshal sighed with relief.

"Love you too bro," Penny smiled as they embraced, two kids, brother and sister, trying to comfort each other against the coldness of a zealot's bigotry.

"You should sleep at the base," Penny added as the two began back to camp, "In case Ubel comes for you."

Marshal nodded but added, "Yeah that's fair but I think I'm gonna have to leave before everyone wakes up. Day after tomorrow is Iono's stream. I have to face the elite four tomorrow. The respect of being champion will give our accusations against him a lot more weight. With that and the journal from Area Zero we'll have him dead to rights."

"Wait, journal?" Penny asked, confused.

"Ask Arven about it," Marshal replied with a shrug, "It's a lot to explain and I dunno about you but I am way to tired for that."

Penny nodded in understanding, "I will. Let's get some shut eye."

With that Marshal went to sleep back in the Team Star base, the people of Team Star ready fro the fight against Ubel, to stand for what was right.

He wondered if Madeline was watching over them, theri family, where she was. If what was in Area Zero was her reaching down from the Heavens to speak to him, which he personally thought it was, then she was proud of him at least, so she probably way. He rubbed his eyes, leaving his hand in front of his face as he nodded off.

For a split second he could have sworn he saw purple, spectral energy swirl around his fingertips, but he brushed it off as exhaustion or the early start to his dreams as he fell asleep...

Marshal awoke just before sunrise the next day, and he knew he was short on time. Paws yawned and stretched out as he sent the bear out. He scratched Paws gently beneath the chin and whispered to him, "I know it's early but tomorrow is the big day so we gotta go."

With that Marshal rode off to become a champion, and prepare to bring an end to the whole affair.

The sun began to crest over the mountain walls of the crater by the league as he arrived, dying the sky a series of oranges and reds. Marshal took a deep breath of the cool morning air, the fresh air refreshing from the harshness of last night's events. He steadied his nerves for a moment or two and approached the looming structure that was the league. He reached for the door only to hear a voice cry out to him from behind, "Marshal! Marshal, wait a sec!"

He turned to see Nemona rushing towards him, catching her breath, "Marshal! I..." she stopped to catch her breath, "Arceus... sorry just... I had to rush over here from my place. I didn't know we were doing this this early."

"Sorry I didn't know you wanted to tag along." Marshall apologized, offering a bottle of water from his backpack, "Here."

"Thanks," Nemona smiled, accepting it and chugging it to quench her thirst. She explained, "So, I decoded the texts. Florian went to Galar, met Grant. He spoke to Grant about what Ubel was doing up there. Grant told him to speak to Sonia so he spoke to Sonia and learned he had ties to a man named Swordbert and his brother Shieldbert who pulled strings to get him back into power. He also asked me out at the festival school trip thing so, I'm excited about that."

"Yeah I'm happy for ya!" Marshal exclaimed high fiving her.

Nemona laughed, "He ha! Yeah! Anyways, in worse news, Florian is busy on the School Trip so he can't help us himself, but he contacted the International Police. If we can get that stream set up we can have some guy named Looker arrest Ubel and end this once and for all!"

"Why was he texting in code?"

"Sonia checked his phone and said that signals coming into Paldea are being tracked. I think that Ubel is more dangerous than we realized and is slowly installing surveillance as well as cutting off gender affirming care."

"Yeah that sounds like something he would do." Marshal turned towards the the league, relieved with his sister by his side. "Let's go."

Pneumonia shook her head, "I can't go in WITH you but, you're my brother. I know you got this. I'll wait outside and text you if Ubel shows up."

"Thanks," Marshal smiled, before he went inside to take his test before the battles ahead.

The questions were mostly uneventful, even if Marshal was a bit anxious. Nothing unusual, until at the end, Rika suddenly gained a grim expression and looked around the room. She turned off her PC and stared into Marshal's soul, "Let's cut to the real point. I think it's obvious what Ubel did." Rika leaned forward, hands clasped in front of her and spoke with a cold conviction, "You're going to kill him, aren't you?"

Marshal tensed up and tried to think of a retort that didn't answer the actual question. Sadly this was not a skill he had, so he spoke truthfully, "I... don't know. I've thought about it a lot, throughout all this. You know? I guess I like, this is the Treasure Hunt. I always assumed my treasure would be Ubel's head. I dunno what my treasure is now. Just... I know Ubel has to be stopped, and that's frankly as far as my plan goes."

Rika nodded in understanding, but retorted, "I think your family is your treasure. Nemona seemed to think so when I spoke to her about you arriving today. Either way, you're right. Ubel has to be stopped, and if your allegations are to hold water, you need to become champion, and Nemona requested we ensure you're strong enough to take on Ubel. Please enter the next room when you're ready."

"Nemona asked that?" Marshal inquired.

Rika nodded and elaborated, "She cares a lot about you Marshal. Seemed really concerned about you confronting Ubel. She may not show it but you and the rest of your family who she considers family are very dear to her as family to her. So, really think about what you want here Marshal. You can live with the family you made, or throw it away to avenge the family you lost."

Marshal fell silent, thinking on that choice. Sure he could take revenge when all was said and done but, if Ubel could be stopped without killing he could not justify it from a moral standpoint.

The elite four and Geeta were of little issue by this point even as this question lingered in his mind.

He had a choice to make as he left after defeating Geeta. He had done all he had needed to do, and all that remained was the question of what that was.

Was killing Ubel just?

No, if Ubel HAD to die to be stopped, then it would be. A case of one life to save many, but Ubel could be stopped without bloodshed. What was more important to him? What was his treasure at the end of it all?


His family?

Nemona greeted him excitedly, "I knew you could do it Marshal!" She gave him a hug, which reminded him of Madeline.

He knew deep down Madeline would want him to do the right thing.

The time to face Ubel was here.

The end was upon him... 

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