Chapter 1: how the turtles became mutants and a Bad Day

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TW: violence, sh

Baron Draxum a mischievous villain stole four baby turtles to mutate into four mutant super villains. He asked his new henchmen to bring Lou Jitsu to him,he wanted Lou Jitsu to use his blood to help mutate the turtles exactly how he wants to.

Once Muninn and Huginn brought Lou Jitsu to Draxum. He put Lou Jitsu in what looked to be a vined cage that was near the turtles.

Lou Jitsu/Hamato Yoshi POV

I saw four baby turtles each of them unique in there own way I picked up the one with a sharp shell I was in love with them they were so adorable.

"I'll call you Raphael! That would suit a turtle like you." I picked up another turtle with red stripes by his eyes " and you will be Leonardo, because it also suits you."

"You like them don't you?" A mutant stood in front of me " I find them fascinating. What are you going to do with them?"

"I'm going to mutate them using my ooze and your blood to change them into the perfect specimens!" I looked at him shocked and grabbed all the turtles and held them close "I will not let you do such things to these turtles"

"That isn't your choice to make." He used some type of power and stuffed me and the turtles into his machine and started it up and the process started.

I didn't want him to make the turtles bad and I broke out of the machine and turned it off. It ended up exploding and I was covered in this ooze and turned into a rat. I took the turtles and left quickly.

15 Years later

"Mikey it's time for our late night patrol!" Leo yelled to me and I got up and went to them

We headed out after saying bye to master splinter I enjoyed our patrol every time we went out but it was weird nowadays... Leo and Raph never got along anymore... I hated the tension between them it hurt me but I did my best to keep being my usual self.

But the thing is I was getting irritated more often,I would nearly snap at my brothers but Donnie noticed and calmed me down quickly. Raph came up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Are you doing alright buddy?" I looked at him and nodded "are you sure? You kinda zoned out."

I took a deep breath "I'm sure Raph." Donnie pulled me towards him and slightly massaged my shoulders to relax me "let's get back to the lair. Patrolling is over." Leo glared at Raph then started walking back towards the way we came.

Raph got angry but held it in he wasn't going to start anything around me anymore after what happened last time. Raph followed behind them me and Donnie followed staying a certain distance from them so I can relax.

Donnie spoke softly "Mikey are you going to be alright?" I looked at him and smiled but he always knew when I was lying. He pulled me into a soft hug "it's ok you don't have to tell me, but please don't start cutting again it scared me the last time you did it..."

I had started cutting a year ago I hid it from my brothers for a while but one night it cut to deep. I went straight to Donnie,because they wouldn't stop bleeding and I got scared.

He was the only one I told about it and he's the only one who knows. I trust Donnie no matter what happens,I felt safer around him then any of the others.

Once we got into the Lair Donnie took me to his lab because he felt something bad was about to happen he closed the controllable doors with a button, his lab was sound proofed by him just in case he ever got a bad feeling about the others fighting . Like right now but I felt more relaxed as I was coloring a picture for Donnie as always. I felt in a hyper mood again and I started to act childish, I didn't like when I acted this way but it always made Donnie happy when I was childish and being myself.

Meanwhile outside of Donnie's lab in the living room Raph and Leo were fighting again.. Donnie's hunches we're never wrong.

I slept in Donnie's lab for the night just in case they started up again. The urge to cut was getting stronger but I didn't tell my brother because I didn't want to stress him... Leo texted me which is odd that doesn't happen to often, but it does happen.


"hey Mikey can you let me in the lab please."

"Is there a specific reason you want to come in?"

"Just open the door Mikey."

"Raph? Why do you have Leo's phone..."

" Just open the damn door already!"


I turned off my phone and became hesitant I was afraid of opening the door, but I did it was a fatal mistake...

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