Chapter 5: Anger

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After finishing up with my shower I  did what I said I'd do I went to Raphael's room and he bandaged me up. By the end I was covered in bandages head to toe, Donnie walked in and sat on the bed next to me.

"Is it ok if I talk to Mikey alone?" He signed to Raph

He nodded and left the room and met up with Leo just outside they wanted to hear Donnie's voice for the first time in a while.

"Mikey if you don't mind me asking.. why'd you use your powers..they could've killed you..."

"I used my powers because those monsters could've killed you and the others."

"Why were you so quick to do it. As if you didn't care about your well being."

"Because I don't Dee! I don't care about what happens to me! All that matters is if you guys live!"

"You still want to kill yourself don't you..."

"....I never said that.."

"Your actions did Mikey. You're not coming on any missions anymore."

"You've got to be kidding me!? I literally saved you guys and now I can't go on any missions!?"

"No you can't,Because we can't worry about you trying to kill yourself and the bad guys at the same time."

" Get out of the room Donnatello."

"Donnatello? Y-you mean Donnie right?..."

"Get out of the room!"

I was so irritated at him i actually thought of hurting him in a bad way. I couldn't believe I snapped at him like I did but I couldn't stop being so angry at him.

I watched as he left the room he had tears building up in his eyes and he covered his mouth to not make a sound I could tell I hurt him badly.

Donnie's POV

I could feel my heart aching, Mikey never called me Donnatello. He always said Donnie or Dee, I was only saying what I needed to. I just wanted my brother to be alive.. he's the only one that could ever make me so happy.

I went to my room and broke down in tears I felt terrible for making him angry. I didn't want to lose him but I knew I just did because I had to say something just cause I was worried about his well being.


Sorry about this Chapter being short the next will surely be longer

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