Chapter 12

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'18 Donnie POV

As I scan over my brothers bleeding leg I found something I didn't like at all, It actually scared me and I thought 'if his blades can cut up someone's bones...oh no..'

"Raph! Get away from him now!" I yelled

Raph could hear a serious tone in my voice and backed up, as soon as he did Shredder swung down and his blades cutting through the rock like it was butter I saw the fear in everyone's eyes. I looked at Mikey who looked like he was barely even holding on.

"Shit. shit, shit! Not again! Come on Mikey! hold on I'll bandage you up..." I started to panic

"Donnie is he ok?!" I heard the other Leo yell up to me

"Come here!" I yelled back

The other Leo rushed to where I was leaving the others to fight Shredder I use the holograph on my gauntlet and his eyes were widened.

"H-he disconnected his leg bone... B-by cutting it off?..."I looked at the ground as he spoke

"I-i don't have any of my tech... How would I help him?... Oh god, oh god... I-its gonna be my fault if he dies ... please, please, please don't leave me again Mikey..." I sat there trying to stop the blood but it didn't stop it kept coming out.

I felt Mikey's hand grip around mine, he was trying to calm me in a way that he could at the moment. I glanced at the other Leo who was practically frozen before looking at the other guys,they managed to beat him for the meantime and they took this as a chance to run and so did me and other Leo. I carried Mikey in my arms making sure he was awake the whole time, once we got to the lair I brought Mikey to Splinter hoping he knew what to do.

"Oh my- what happened?.." Splinter tried to remain calm

"Sh-shredder...he took Mikey and we went to save him...." I managed to keep myself calm until I felt Mikey's hand run cold

"H-he doesn't have much time please! Can you help?!" I started panicking

Splinter touched Mikey's hand feeling the coldness then looked directly at Mikey's bleeding leg that looked to be bandaged messily. He then took Mikey from my hands and I stood with my hands trembling and my heart pacing as I watched Splinter.

"I'm going to need thread, a needle, and some pliers. I'm going to try and save his leg even though he might not ever be able to use his leg again, oh and add some type of rope to the list I need to stop the bleeding." I nodded and ran to other Donnie's lab to get the stuff I needed.

I grabbed some things and other Donnie tried to calm me down as I kept dropping things and having to pick them back up then my older brother walked in.

"Donnie I'll take them to Splinter sit here and calm down." He spoke as softly as usual

" I have to do this..." My hands trembled more than usual and tears ran down my face

"Donnie you need to relax your going to cause yourself to have a panic attack." He put his hand on my arm

"Don't touch me!" I hit Raph's hand dropping everything

I rushed to pick everything up and brought it to Splinter once I arrived I gave it to him and he could notice I was about to go into a panic attack and he called my brothers in to take me outside for some fresh air. They did exactly that but I wanted to be next to Mikey I wanted to make sure he was still alive, I loved and cared about my younger brother more than I could ever care or love anyone else.

We were out for two hours or more and every thirty minutes Raph and Leo had to keep trying to keep me outside I eventually got so mad I hit Leo in the face and ran to the lair. I wanted to see my brother and I wanted to see him now. Neither of my brothers were going to stop me either.

Once I had arrived I ran to where I had left Mikey and Splinter. I saw Mikey still not awake and Splinter sitting there watching him, I walked up to Splinter.

"Is he ok.." I was worried

"He should be alright and Donnatello made him a metal piece to replace the bone that went missing" Splinter spoke quietly but loud enough for me to hear

I sat next to Mikey across from Splinter I stared at my brother's face wishing he would wake up now to let me know he was ok.

"Where are your brothers?" Splinter asked

"They're coming down here." I replied

"They didn't come with you?" He asked another question

"No he punched me in the face because he wanted to see Mikey so badly." Leo said as he walked in holding his snout

I glared at Leo and when Splinter went to check Mikey's pulse I hit his hand away and checked it myself. I don't know what came over me but I didn't want anyone to touch Mikey, I wasn't going to let anyone touch Mikey.

Splinter was confused as to why I was acting so different, it seemed I was being too overprotective because I wanted to keep my brother safe because he almost died when I didn't.

Mikey's pulse seemed to have calmed me down and I took a few deep breaths before watching him again. After a few hours everyone went to bed and I stayed watching Mikey keeping two fingers on his wrist to keep track of his pulse.

"Please wake up Mikey... I need you more than anything right now... please..." I felt myself falling tired which never happened before and it was confusing

I had ended up falling asleep and in the morning Mikey still hadn't moved a muscle I checked his pulse and it was still ok but I didn't understand why he didn't wake up.

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