Chapter 8: Can you hear me?

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A year later

I had assumed things were getting better after the action I did last year but they weren't. Well not after a long fight against Shredder, our great x7 grandma was killed In front of us, Splinter died, Draxum died, April died...

We lost everyone... Just that one incident took everything we loved from us. None of us acted how we did anymore, Raph became too overprotective over the others, Donnie locked himself away in his lab but I always managed to get in somehow, Leo fought recklessly and grew rather tense, and me? You don't need to know about me.

Things got weirder and weirder I talked to Donnie constantly but he never even responded and he always did, this time I went into his room he was crying I tried to comfort him but no reaction...

I went to Raphs room and started to talk but he just walk away as if he didn't hear me? I didn't understand what was happening and I was being ignored..

Did I do something wrong? Is it a prank? What did I even do..I just want to feel my brothers as around me in an embrace but they were ignoring me... I went to Leo's room and he was hitting the wall out of anger and sadness I went to stop him, but I went through the wall...

Then I remembered I had died protecting Cassandra from shredder. That's why everyone was ignoring me... because I'm dead...


Short chapter but the next will make up for it byeee/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\

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