Chapter 4: Destruction.

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TW: Major Violence

I moved around trying to break the chains this annoyed the monster and he grabbed ahold of me and pulled me to him breaking the chains. I could hear my brothers yell for me, the monsters grip around me tightened.

"Now kill them brother and sister" I looked at my brothers and I could feel the anger and fear running through my blood

"I will kill all of you if you touch them!!" I tried getting out of the creatures tentacle and he grabbed ahold of Donnie and this things brother and sister grabbed Leo and Raph.

I looked at Donnie then Leo and Raph the smaller one had tied Raph down with some type of ability. Splinter and Draxum were moved to a secure room,Leo was getting thrown at walls as he tried to fight this things sister.

I looked back at Donnie and the monster I froze in shock by what the thing was doing to him. The monster had covered Donnie's mouth and started cutting into his soft shell. Tears ran down his face and then he passed out,the monster threw him to the floor.

"Donnie?!" Raph and Leo yelled out

Leo was distracted by this and the monster he was fighting threw a large chunk of concrete at him. Both Leo and the concrete flew into the wall, the concrete shattered and. Revieled Leo he was bleeding and covered in cuts, I could feel a surge of power run through my body as my anger grew uncontrollable the veins I my  arms started to glow a reddish orange and my eyes were glowing  a dark red. The small monster had just barely put a finger on Raph and he was in pieces the next second.

Blood flew everywhere and I looked at the last two monsters horrified expressions and I smirked.

"You shouldn't have touched them. I warned you." I burned the one holding me he let go and I landed on the ground.

Then the monsters sister came at me and I pulled out my nunchuks wrapping them around my brothers and pulling them behind me,then I cut the sister of the bigger one in half , I opened up a portal with my hands throwing her in to die alone.

I was covered in her blood I looked at the oldest one "you're next." He jumped down to me and I stood in front of my brothers and Raph tried bandaging up Leo and Donnie. So I opened a portal letting Splinter and Draxum walk threw then I quickly opened another and pushed them all through before closing it.

The monster grabbed me and threw me at a wall me and the creature fought for a good hour I had a few cut here and there but I made major blows. The monster was already dying from blood loss and the place was destroyed.

I wanted this monster to suffer for what he did to Donnie ,so I cut him up piece after piece making sure he was still alive as I cut into him taking chunks off. Blood was everywhere and after another hour he was dead and in pieces.

I opened a portal back to the lair and walked through it Raph stared at me but not in a scared way in a worried way. He took me to the bathroom and made me look at the mirror, I was  more injured than I thought I touched around where my right eye should be.

I hadn't noticed he had taken my eye, but as long as I had my other eye I was alright I decided I was going to take a shower to wash the blood off.

"Raph I'm going to clean up first then can you help me with the bandaging?" I looked at him and he smiled softly

"Yes I can help you with whatever you need Michael" I smiled at him then he left the bathroom

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