Chapter 7: This Was A Bad Idea

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I looked around at the crowds and in the front row of seats on my right I saw my brothers, splinter, and Draxum. They all had a worried look blooming upon there faces, I looked Infront of me right where big Mama's champion should've been.

Then I was kicked in my side and I went flying across the arena, I hit the wall then tried to get up as fast as possible. The champion was right Infront of me yet again then he hit me in the face and I tumble and rolled 15 feet away. Blood dripped from my face and I assumed it was just a nose bleed until I touched my cheek, it was sliced open.

I got up quickly this time and he was Infront of me yet again, this guy was too fast to keep up with. He swung at me and I just barely dodged it. I glanced at my family and back at the champion, He grabbed ahold of my throat and slammed me into the ground back first. My vision became blurry and I coughed up blood, my vision slowly came back and I stared into the eyes of him. I knew I was going to die, the look in his eyes was deadly.

I glanced at my brothers Donnie was covering his mouth and tears ran down his cheeks, Leo was scared of loosing me, and Raph had so much anger built up and his eyes looked as if he was saying "touch my baby brother again and I'll kill you".

The champion lifted me up by the throat and tightened his grip, I started kicking at him feeling it get harder to breathe.

My arms glowed a reddish orange again and that same surge of energy hit me again like it did when I fought those weird monsters. My body started to heat up and the guy winced in pain and dropped me, I formed chains with my ability and I swung them at him leaving as many cuts as possible before I wrapped the chains around him and threw him side to side.

I could feel my heart racing, I could hear the crowd gasping in shock. I let the guy go then turned around and said "I win." And the Guy blew up into pieces blood, skin, and guts flew everywhere.

I looked at big mama who looked terrified of me,the entire crowd was silent and Draxum and Splinter were also terrified, my powers were to strong for my age. One day they could kill me or someone I love just by showing to much anger, sadness, or even jealousy.

My brothers saw this happen before so this didn't have much of an effect but they were still scared of my strength and what I could do if my emotions spiked randomly and they were near.

Big Mama announced " Th-the winner of todays battle nexus is M-michaelangelo!"

I smiled and my body relaxed and then the crowd cheered me on and threw roses at me I looked at Donnie he was practically crying his eyes out he was so worried he'd loose me.

I left and met my brothers, splinter, and Draxum outside Donnie, Leo, and Raph hugged me tightly.

"N-never do that again that really scared us..." I could hear the sadness and worry in Donnie's words and I hugged him tighter.

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