Chapter 2: Broken...

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TW: Violence

After opening the door he walked in and he looked really really mad...I stepped back feeling scared the look in his eyes was terrifying. I started to tremble and I back up more tripping over my own feet...

"R-raph c-come on don't do this!... I-im your brother!" He walk to me and grabbed my wrist tightly and threw me into Donnie's table knocking the wind out of me. Then I knew he was blinded by rage,I tried to re-collect my breath he kicked me  and I hit the wall.

I was so scared I started to cry...I couldn't breathe and I was already in a lot of pain, I couldn't yell for Donnie,or Splinter...and i knew he must've knocked out Leo...

He started to hit me repeatedly over and over non stop... He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into Donnie's desk and I could hear a crack and pain came soon after. My body was trembling badly and I looked up at him and his eyes were dull, I let out a whimper finally collecting my breath. Then I saw Raph pick something up... I saw what it was and I tried to crawl away quickly, he grabbed my ankle and slammed it into my leg and I let out a bloody scream.

I started crawling away again "R-raph please d-don't! R-raph please!!" He slammed it into my shell cracking it so bad I passed out..

When I woke up Donnie and Leo were sitting next to me and Raph was farther away getting glared at by Leo. I sat up and looked at my hands they were trembling, Leo came up to me and I flinched...

"D-don't hit me... i-im s-s-sorry..." My voice was raspy I had many injuries,my shell was broken,my heart felt empty,my leg was broken, and I could barely feel my emotions.

Leo backed up after seeing me flinch, Raph stood feeling terrible about what happened. Leo told me everything about them fighting and Raph blacking out and that I've been out for a month.

"It's only because of the major damage to your Shell other than that you would've woken up a bit earlier than a month" Donnie signed all of this to me because he doesn't speak out loud Infront of Leo and Raph.

"How bad is it?" I signed back "well it could've killed you. Luckily you're alive because it was a 10/90 chance of living or dying. The lower part is living.." Donnie had tears filling his eyes before he signed the next part.. " you're incapable of feeling emotion due to the severe trauma to your body..."

I looked at him then down at my hands and I thought to myself 'I can't make them happy anymore... Only sad... And depressed. I shouldn't have opened that door.' I looked up at Donnie then hugged him to show him how I felt on the inside even if I couldn't clearly express it. Leo couldn't handle this and he left, we haven't seen him again since. I started to really miss him rather quickly.

I constantly texted him,snuck out at night to look,but I never got anywhere I was breaking on the inside but not on the outside.

Raph ended up disappearing a week later then it was me, Donnie, Splinter, and Draxum...

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