Final Chapter

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After a few hours of laying down I found myself in an overwhelming amount of pain. Raph was resting in the chair near the bed so I didn't want to bother him but I did need that medicine so I decided I'd go get it even though I would probably end up on the floor balling my eyes out.

I failed the "sneak out of the room" part because Raph woke up and put me back on the bed he wasn't to pleased that I didn't wake him up. I told him what I was going to get and he went and got the pain meds for me. I looked at his broken Sai and I couldn't help but be curious so when he got back to the room I decided to ask.

He had a cup of water and two of the pills he handed them to me and I took them. I threw the pills in my mouth and drank the water to get the pills down, they were going to take a bit to kick in  though. Raph watched as I took them and something seemed to be bothering him I decided I'd ask him about the situation now.

"Raph, why are your Sai broken?" he seemed to hesitate and his eyes darted across the room as if he was looking for an excuse or lie.

"I just got angry lil bro. You don't have to worry about it." I knew he wasn't telling the truth so I pushed on.

"Raph I can handle it you don't need to-..." he cut me off

"Mikey! I said  don't worry about it." I shrunk back into my shell slightly

I guess you could say that was the end of that conversation. Whatever it was that happened must've bothered him that much. We wouldn't talk for 30 minutes only sit there and stare off into space. Well, for me I was trapped in my thoughts I couldn't stop thinking about the broken Sai and I know Raph knew I probably wouldn't let go of this whole situation and he finally spoke.

"do you really.. wanna know what happened?" he looked at me with soft eyes

"Only if you're ok with it.." I looked to the side

"Then let me tell you what happened." I looked at him surprised

"I went out to take a breather and I happened to run into Big Mama and the guy that did this to you. Big Mama distracted me by starting some random conversation about how "sorry" she was that our brothers lost their lives, I didn't believe she was sorry for even a second. The guy snuck up behind me and injected something into me, a poison. I became enraged and when I tried to fight him I lost my Sai so I ran. And when they were finally off my tail I went back to the roof and that's when I found you." My eyes widened I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

"P-poison?..Raph..please tell me it can't kill you..." Raph looked down not saying a word "Raph!.. please answer me..."

"It's vital to us...It was made to kill us that's why Donnie and Leo are body is larger then there's so it's taking a bit longer.." Tears came into my eyes and I covered my mouth in shock.

"! please tell me you're lying Raph!" tears filled my older brothers eyes as he looked at me with a sad face.

" I'm so sorry lil bro..." Tears ran down his cheeks

He got up knowing he was gonna die soon and he got on the bed and gave me a tight hug and I hugged my older brother tighter then ever I didn't wanna lose him he was the last one I had... I decided I would comfort him on his last moments I did my best hiding the tears as I would speak.

"It's alright Raphie, you can go I promise I'll be ok. You don't need to suffer anymore.." His body started to go limp his heart slowed down so much but I could still feel his breath "Go be with our brothers I'm sure they will be happy to see you tell them I said "hi" okay Raphie?...I love you big brother..." 

I held his hand during his last breath It was so head was laying against his plastron his heart beat had stopped. The only thing I could do now was sit there and hope this was all a dream even though it is all very real.. I was alone now.. so so alone...I took Raph's bandana and the teddy bear he gave me and went to his room. And the tears I tried ever so hard to hide hit me, I broke down in front of Raph's room. I screamed so loud I'm sure it could be heard by the humans, this pain was unbearable all I could feel was the sharp pain in my chest slowly tearing me apart from inside out.

I guess this is what a broken heart feels like, not being able to breath, not being able to think straight. My hands trembled badly as I gripped onto Raph's bandana and teddy bear. I guess this really is the end of my story...left to die with a broken heart.


I hope you guys enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys and this is the end.

P.S. I cried writing this chapter.... it actually hurt:(

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