Chapter 11

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I stood there thinking about many things until I was taken out by a tap on my shoulder and I went into a defensive mode ready to fight whoever touched me.

"Chill dude it's just me, want to go with us to our night patrol?"I looked at the other Mikey

"Yeah... sorry about scaring you.." I looked to the ground fidgeting my fingers

"It's ok bro I promise"  he grabbed my arm and took me to the kitchen

" Wanna see something cool?" He let go


"Be ready to meet my little pet..." He opened the freezer "ice cream kitty!"

"Wait it's actually ice cream?! That's actually really cool!" Ice cream kitty licked my snout

I smiled at the kitty and pet under her chin.

"Wanna sneak up to the surface?" I looked at the other Mikey like it was the best idea ever

" Yes please!"

"Alright we gotta be quiet about it; master Splinter is asleep and your brother is helping my brother in his lab, then your Raph is watching a show with my Leo, and your Leo is messing around with Casey." I thought of how we're going to get out as the other Mikey spoke.

"I gotta plan we have to go ninja mode and only celebrate when we get outside " the other Mikey nodded

We did my plan and we managed to sneak out of the lair, now we just need to get through the sewers to the surface which was also pretty easy we celebrated with a high three then we went to the roof of the buildings so we wouldn't be spotted.

We thought this was a good idea but it was a really bad idea which you would think I would've known that but I didn't. We were out for an hour before we were taken by a pig and a Rhino I managed to get the other Mikey out of the van but I couldn't get myself out.

2012 Mikey POV

I was pushed out of the van by the other Michaelangelo and tumbled out onto the road and earned a few cuts and scrapes. I got up trying to chase the van but I couldn't reach it.

I ran back to the lair in a panic and as soon as I arrived All of them were standing there waiting for us to arrive , but when I was the only one to arrive the worried look in his brothers faces was saddening I felt bad for suggesting the idea in the first place.

"What happened Mi-...." My Leo was cut off by my Raph

"The real question is why the fuck Did you even go up there without telling us?!"

I flinched when he yelled at me and I could feel tears filling into my eyes. I gripped onto my arm not being able to find the words to tell him why.

"Raph! We've been over this stop yelling at him! Now you can speak Mikey." I took a few deep breaths after Leo scolded Raph

"Bebop and Rocksteady showed up out of nowhere... They took both of us but the other Mikey saved me. That's why I have these scrapes and cuts.."

"That's not good. They're probably going to give him to stockman." Leo spoke

"Wait,wait,hold on what do you mean that's not good?" Other Leo spoke.

" He could be double mutated, tested on, or killed depending on what Shredder chooses to do." My Leo spoke again

"Sh-shredder?..."other Raph sounded worried and the others looked down scared

"Wait what happened with your shredder?" I spoke

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