Chapter 15

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When I had awoken Raph was no longer there, I started to panic slightly but I had to stay calm. I took a few deep breaths before getting up. I know Raph told me to not get up or even move do to the severe damage to my shell. But, I was more worried about Raph so I ignored the pain.

To be honest it feels really weird without Donnie or Leo. I hate how quiet it is. I stepped out of the room and i went into Raph's. A note was on his bedside table along with one of his teddy bears.

The note

I know you may be a bit panicked by my disappearance but there is no need to worry about me big man. I just went up to the surface for some air because I had a nightmare. Hold on to my teddy bear for comfort until i..... I love you baby bro! And I promise I'm ok :)

End of note

The fact he didn't finish the sentence before saying "I love you baby bro!" Made me worry more about him but he said he was ok.. but he could be lying? Or maybe he is telling the truth?

I grabbed Raph's teddy bear and held it close to me as I headed to Donnie's lab. I pulled Donnie's purple beanbag chair out of the corner and I laid on it stomach first as watched the time cuddling the teddy bear.

I watched as seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours and he still hadn't come back. My thoughts rushed through my mind. Is Raph ok? I should check on him. Is he dead? Did he forget about me? He probably needs my help.

I covered my ears trying to silence everything but it didn't help so I grabbed Donnie's headphones and put some music on.

I headed out of the lair with the teddy bear still in my grasp. I went through a fire hatch to get to the roof. I looked around and I couldn't see Raph anywhere then I felt something that had been blown against my leg.

It was Raph's bandana. I picked it up and my heart pounded out of my chest as I hoped I was just dreaming this. I started going roof to roof looking for him but instead I would find his sai laid on the floor of a rooftop broken. But where was my older brother? Why was his sai broken?

I didn't know, but I wish I did so then we could walk back to the lair safe and sound. Maybe even have a movie night or maybe-.. I need to look for Raph. A sharp shock of pain ran through my body from my shell and I collapsed. What's going on? Why can't I move? Why does it hurt so much?

My vision blurred and I tried to get a grasp on the teddy bear again but I couldn't. all I could do was lay there in pain hoping that Raph was ok. Thirty minutes later I felt big soft hands lift me off the ground and a muffled panicked voice calling for me.

The only thing I could do was lay there. I felt a soft thing pushed into my arms, it was Raph's teddy bear I know it was. The wind brushed my face as the person I was sure is Raph ran in the direction of the lair.

My sight would go in and out and eventually I just closed my eyes. I couldn't see so what was the point in keeping them open? After a few minutes we had come to a stop we were back in the lair I opened my eyes and I could see again luckily.

I saw Raph and he was ok. No scrapes or scratches but Im still curious why his Sai were broken and why he didn't have his mask on. Raph spoke before I could even find the words too.

"Mikey, I said I was going to be back! Why'd you go looking for me?! You're still injured and that's a very big problem!"Raph was angry at me again...

"I'm sorry...I was just worried you might've gotten hurt..." Raph took a deep breath and let out a sigh

"It's ok, you don't have to apologize I shouldn't have gotten mad. I just don't want to lose my last brother I can't handle losing everyone..." I looked at Raph

"I'm not leaving any time soon Raph I promise.." Raph smiled at me

I tried to sit up but that same pain hit me again so I stayed down and refused to move hugging onto Raph's teddy bear. Raph sat in a chair next to me so he could keep an eye on me just in case the pain was too much and he could get me some pain medicine.

He put his mask back on and looked over his broken sai as if something really had happened that he doesn't want to explain to me so I don't worry about him. Me and Raph were always the type to put everyone else before ourselves no matter what. Leo was the jokester of the family before him and Raph started arguing constantly.

Donnie was always quiet and tried to keep us safe with random inventions of his. Then he became more quiet around our brothers and he wouldn't speak around them. And I tried to be myself but I failed to do that, more like I hated to be myself.. but nevermind that. I'm just glad Raph is ok and home safe.

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