Chapter 6: Mikey?

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In the morning I woke up and pulled out six pieces of paper and a pencil I wrote goodbye letters to my brothers, Splinter, Draxum, and April. Each letter said something different, I didn't grab anything I layed out the notes on my bed and left.

Everyone else woke up later and Donnie went into my room to check on me then he saw the notes and got everyone.

"I'll read first.." Leo sounded a bit sad

Leo's note

Dear Leo,

I just want to say I wish you and Raph could get along more. I don't really understand why you guys don't, we all used to be so close and so happy. What happened to us I'm not sure but I wish we all stayed the same as we were in the past. I Really miss my brothers, but you and Raph aren't them anymore. I love you dearly Brother you will see me one day or never again. It depends on what happens to me.
Your brother Mikey.

Leo had tears running down his cheeks and he gripped the note tightly and sat on the ground.

"I'll go next" Splinter offered

"I'll be after you then" Draxum also offered

Splinter's note

Dear Splinter,

We never actually spent much time together so I'm not sure what to write. I hope you can forgive me for being a bother to you and my brothers, I wish I could be better for you guys. I wish you had tried to learn our names, or maybe you just forgot from aging.

Splinter crumbled the note

" Now my turn"

Draxum 's note

Dear Draxum,

You helped out a lot with me and my family and I appreciate everything you have done. I believed in you and I was right to do so, even if everyone said it was a bad idea I have no regrets in meeting you Barry. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do. If you want to find me let Donnie read his note next,then Raph.

After Draxum read the last part Donnie grabbed his note and looked at it before reading

Donnie's note

Dear Donnie,

I'm sorry for everything I have done,I'm sorry for getting mad at you you didn't deserve that. I left because I thought it would be better if I just disappeared. So I left, what I'm about to do is the most reckless thing I have done. You're running out of time to find me.. I love you Dee you're the only one in this family that kept me on my feet and I did the same for you.
Your brother Mikey

Donnie had tears in his eyes then he realized there were code words in the writing and he grabbed the book he had of code words he remembered he made it for him and Mikey then he took everyone's note not letting Raph read his because when Donnie opened it, it was a picture of the hidden city.

"Guys he used the code words I made for us." Donnie had a relieved look

"Then tell us what they mean Don" Leo looked at him impatient to know

"Ok so in my note it has disappeared and in the book disappeared means Danger on a high level and running out of time is Big Mama and kept me on my feet is battle nexus..." Donnie froze and so did Splinter

"He's going to take on big Mama's strongest alone.. he wants to prove he can win but if he fails... Big Mama keeps him as a pet.." Splinter spoke sternly

" Then let's go we have no time to waste." Raph said as Leo took his swords and made a portal to the battle Nexus.

They sat in the seats that were in the front and waited for Mikey to be called and for the champion to be brought out.

Over the intercom big mama spoke "now for our biggest fight of tonight! My champion versus Our new entry Michaelangelo!"

The doors opened on both sides letting a large figure covered by a cloak out of the left side, and a small slightly muscular turtle out of the right side

"Now the competition may began!" Big mama was excited about this fight, to excited...

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