Chapter 10

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Things were going pretty well no arguments no nothing everyone returned to their normal selves. Randomly one day a portal had opened in front of me and Donnie, we were both sucked in by the portal.

We had no Idea where we were but it looked like New York; it was dim and plain It looked kinda sad. Donnie and I went up to the rooftop of one of the buildings and looked around. This was New York just an alternate universe.

"Goongala!!" Me and Donnie heard the voice behind us and we moved out of the way.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!?"the boy yelled at us

"I'm Mikey and this is my older brother Donnie." He looked at us confused

"Oh I get you two are bad guys."

"No! No,not at all we're from a different univer-" he swung at me with a hockey stick and Donnie protected me with his Bo staff.

"We're not your enemy. Now calm down."

"How do I believe that."

" You're just gonna have to unless you have another me here who can tell you what's going on."

"Alright fine. I'm Casey Jones, now follow me to the lair."

We followed the boy named Casey to the sewers and down to the lair of the turtles in this universe. Once we got there Casey introduced himself.

"Guys I brought some people here, I hope you don't mind"

"Who are they?" A girl with orange hair and blue eyes said

"Supposedly they're another version of our Donnie and Mikey"


"Yes really. And who are you?" Donnie spoke with an irritated tone

"I'm April O'Neil, what's your problem."

"What's your problem." He stepped closer to April

"What's your problem." She got closer to Donnie

"Guys..." I spoke up

They continued going back and forth and I got severely irritated and Casey backed up into a large room.

"Uhm guys I may have started a small problem.."

"Oh great. what's happening this time?"

"Well Leo I brought two people from a different universe in and that Donnie is fighting with April and that Mikey looks like he's about to snap.."

The four turtles from this universe peeked out the door. I clenched my fists tightly trying to be calm until this April slapped Donnie. I jumped onto her pushing Donnie out of the way I gripped onto her shirt and pulled her close to me.

"Hit him one more time and I swear that you will have no hands!!" My body started to glow again and Donnie pulled me back and the other Donnie rushed to April's side

"Calm down Mikey... Calm down.. it's okay.." I heard my brother's voice and calmed down a bit until I heard the other Donnie speak.

"What was that for?!"

"She hit my brother!"

"And?! You burned the hell out of her!"

"Well she deserved it!"

The other Donnie got up angrily until another portal opened sending our brothers out. Leo got up quickly tripping over his own feet getting back up and hugging me and Donnie.

"I thought we lost you guys again!" Tears formed in his eyes

Raph got up and looked at our surroundings. His eyes landed on the turtles walking out of the larger room.

"Hey Donnie do you know where we are?"

"An alternate universe to be exact." He glared at April

A large rat man walked out of another room and the other turtles and April bowed to him.

"Now what's with all the ruckus?"

Me, Donnie,Leo, and Raph looked at him with tears spilling from our eyes. We all ran up and hugged him tight. This shocked him and the others, splinter didn't take long to realize what was going on he didn't need an explanation... And then he asked one question that made everyone freeze once they knew the answer.

"How old are you boys?" His tone was soft and me and my brothers backed up

"15.." Raph answered

"...14" Donnie and Leo hesitated

"13..." I answered fiddling with my fingers

The others turtles stood up in shock and April did as well Splinter looked at us with sadness in his eyes.

"What happened to you boys?..." Raph looked at Splinter before answering him

"Well...a lot happened... Recently our best friend died, Our father died, our second father died,and Mikey died..." That last part was enough to make splinter freeze up.

"I brought myself back though... It was painful of course, feeling all that pain from when I died hurt a lot more than I had thought it would..." I hugged Donnie tightly trying not to cry again.

"I am so sorry that stuff had happened to you boys... And at such a young age...I am truly sorry.."

my brothers looked at him with just a slight smile but I couldn't get one out of me..

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