Chapter 3: The Rescue?

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TW: Violence, suicidal thoughts,sh

I was in my room thinking about where Raph or Leo could've been I listed down where they could be but I've practically checked everywhere already except for the foot clan base and big Mama's place.

I looked at the ceiling feeling like it was my fault that they had gone missing 'if I didn't open that door I'd be ok. If I didn't open that door Leo and Raph would still be here. Maybe it'd be better if I was gone' I started to think then I got up and grabbed my blade from the spot it was.

I took it to my wrist and pressed down as soon as I got half way in Donnie walked in and immediately stopped me.

He took the blade and cleaned up the cut he had a worried look on his face.

"Mikey I have coordinates on Leo and Raph... They were taken by the foot clan.."

"We have to get them back then. We'll need to get Splinter and Draxum"

"You're not coming, your powers are to unstable for your body to handle" I watched as he put my gloves on "I have to go with you. You guys will be in danger. They probably still have Kraang on there side!" I felt my blood boil

"You stay here and that's that Michaelangelo. Let's go Donnatello."I looked at Draxum and clenched my fists as I watched them leave.

I stood up and paced around the room for 5 hours they never came back so I went to find them myself. First I went into Donnie's lab and got the location and headed there, I looked around it was quiet almost to quiet.

The next thing I knew I was hit with a tranquilizer dart.

"Wake up turtles,rat,and Draxum. It's time to answer some questions ." Raph opened his eyes first and was terrified by the person he saw.

Then Leo, Donnie and I opened our eyes,Leo was scared, Donnie was scared,and I felt angry.

Draxum and splinter we're already awake. I gritted my teeth looking at the ground. I felt one of his tentacle like hands life my chin forcing me to look at him. I just glared at him clenching my fists.

"Quite the feisty one huh?." I kicked at him but missed. Then he started asking us questions and everyone else answered truthfully. I refused to speak a word to this being.

"Now that I got the answers I needed kill them all." This angered me and I started trying to get out of the chains Donnie told me to calm down but I wanted to kill this thing .

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