Chapter 9

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I found that days grew longer and lonelier, I wanted to feel the warmth of my brothers hugs again; but the only thing I could do was watch as they broke themselves down bit by bit.

Donnie would sit for hours looking at my drawings and he would also try drawing every once in a while.

Today was different he went into my room and looked around as if he was looking for something and he pulled out a box with a new Sketch book,pencils,pens, paint, and a small stuffed animal. He sat on my bed with the box.

"I wish you had opened this sooner Mikey..." Tears pilled up in his eyes "you would've loved all the things I got you..."

He started to break again and tears flowed from his eyes and he gripped the sides of his purple hoodie with crossed arms. He layed down on his side pulling my blanket over him crying himself to sleep as he had done every night.

I couldn't take this anymore I went to big Mama's safe to see what she had and she had exactly what I was looking for. I put the pin in, opening the safe so I could actually use it. Once I used it the pain from how I died flooded back into my body. After the process was finished I was alive again!

I snuck out of Big Mama's and headed home quickly I ran into the lair and right into my room and Donnie was still laying on the bed.

I went up to him and hugged him this woke him up and he looked at me then hugged me tight and clung to me. Just as I suspected would happen.

" I missed you so much Dee..."

"I missed you too Mikey... please don't leave again..." I nodded agreeing to him.

He eventually let go handing me the box he had opened that had the stuff he bought me in it. I carefully took it from him smiling softly I picked up the stuffed animal and held it tight before looking through everything else and thanking him many times.

I saw Donnie's smile and it made me so happy. I came with the idea of me him and the others getting ice cream but I thought more. Maybe we could go to the basketball hoops, or maybe we could-... My thoughts were cut off by Raph's and Leo's voices yelling to me.

I looked at them and they were already running to hug me. I stepped closer with my arms open.

"Mikey we missed you so much but Donnie definitely missed you maybe a tiny bit more "

I smiled at Leo's comment

"Yeah a tiny bit more" we had a big group hug which made everyone happy.

A Mikey Angst story RottmntWhere stories live. Discover now