Chapter 13

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As the days flew by and Mikey still hadn't woken up I was losing my sanity, Mikey had been the only one glueing me down and keeping me sane

I hated this. He was here but it felt like he wasn't, I never left his side and I stopped eating I was to worried about Mikey to just leave his side. I started to grow violent towards anyone who came near him I tried calming myself by seeking the other Mikey's attention but it just wasn't the same.

"Donnie you need to get out of the lair for a while.." My older brother spoke

"I'm not going anywhere until he wakes."

"... Donnie he's in a coma it could be years or months and if we're lucky a week, we have one more day till the week ends just hope he wakes up."

"You don't even care."

"I do care Donnie."

"No you don't! If you did you'd be more worried and upset!"

"We all handle things differently Donnie. I handle this by believing he will wake up and continuing to be myself for him."

Something in me snapped and I grabbed my Tech Bō and charged at Raph, there was something in me that didn't care if he died. I felt a hit at the back of my neck and Everything went black.

'12 Leo POV

I had to put Don to sleep or he would've killed his brother. He seemed to not care about anyone other than Mikey it was like his sanity rested in his little brother's hands and without him Donnie was insane and heartless.

"Take him to Don he should be able to figure out what your brother has going on in his head I'll call April for help"

He nodded taking his brother to mine, I knew April could help get Leo and Raph into his brother's mind. I took my shell-phone and called April.

On call

"Hey April we need some help with something could you come over?"

"Sure I can, and can Casey come to? he wants to see the other Mikey he thinks he knows how to wake him up"

"Might as well bring him and test his theory"

"Alright we'll be there in ten"

End of call

Might as well let Casey come hopefully he can bring Mikey out of his coma and if not We'll just have to lock Don in one of our rooms.

Ten minutes later

"Leo we're here what's the problem!"

"Come with me we need you in Donnie's lab, Casey Mikey's in the dojo."

I took April into the lab and closed the door behind us.

"I assume you want me to put those two into there brother's head?"

"Yes we need to figure out if it's actually Mikey that keeps him sane"

"Alright well let's get them in"

Casey POV

I ran into the dojo after grabbing a few things to wake Mikey I was hoping he would wake up to the things I had but he didn't so I decided I'd take him out of the lair. That did not end well because I thought maybe tying me to something to myself would work but now I'm just hanging above the road scared to death that I might die.

I looked at Mikey hoping he would wake up now but he didn't and then I heard the rope tear and my heart dropped and I started yelling.

"Mikey wake up!! MIKEY PLEASE!" The rope then tore again.

"MIKEY!" The rope ripped in two and I fell

I closed my eyes tightly thinking this was the end but then I looked up noticing I wasn't going down any more. Mikey had actually woken up and caught me.

"It's ok I got you Casey, just don't look down" he pulled me back up

Once he had gotten me back to the roof he seemed a bit angry but at the same time worried. He hadn't even known me that long and he was worried about me?

"Don't ever do that again Casey that was reckless..." He didn't even look me in the eyes

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to wake you up because your brother needs you really badly..." I'm apologizing?

"Wait what do you mean?"

" I don't really know what's going on but, I do know that for the past few days he's been violent towards anyone and everyone who came near you or tried to touch you"

"Then we need to get back to the lair quickly"

I nodded in agreement and we rushed back to the lair, we went into Donnie's lab.

"What's going on Leo?" I asked

"We had April send them into his mind but he just keeps pushing them out" Leo replied

"Then send me in so I can get to him and help him" Mikey spoke

"Wait you actually woke him up?" Leo sounded shocked

"Yeah,I did" April pulled Mikey's brothers out then put Mikey in.

"I hope he can do this" other Leo spoke

"I believe he can" I spoke

'18 Mikey POV

It was like I was in our universe again in our home. I'd only have to assume Donnie was in his lab but, I wanted to make sure I'd be right so I checked around then ran up to Donnie's lab and he was there.

"D it's me, Mikey" I went up to him thinking this would be easy but it wasn't

"Mikey's dead. You're just an imposter."

"N-no it's really me... D please..." He looked at me with his Tech Bō in hand

"You're lying!"

He came at me, then slash! I had put my arms up to protect myself but they now had a large gash across them. It was both in this place and in the real world and I was deep really deep.

I didn't care about that though. I just wanted my brother back I wouldn't be here without him.

"D, It's me! I'm not lying!"

"Yes you are!" He swung at me again but missed

"Come on Donnie, I need you... We all need you..."

The Tech Bō dropped to the floor and I looked up at him and he hugged me tightly crying his eyes out.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry Mikey..."

"It's ok D... I'm ok...and you're ok..."

His grip tightened around me as he completely came back to his senses and we were both pulled back into reality. As soon as my eyes opened everything was blurry and I saw a large green blob with red blobs on his face he was trying to stop the bleeding from my arms and my vision came back, Donnie sat by me feeling bad for what he did but I comforted him as our brother Leo stitched the cuts.

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