Part 1 - Understand

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Bold = Ender (or its just the actual written language)

Regular = English

Warnings for swearing :)

- /★\ -

Ranboo creaked through the palace. He grabbed the small crown marking him as a prince out of his satchel and set it on his head, positioned in between his straight black horn and where the white one would have been, if not cut off. He hurried, hoping to get back to his room before anyone noticed he was coming from the portal.

The Overworld's air had a sweet scent to it. It tended to cling like cigarette smoke. The End had a bitter smell to it, it was drier too. That smell, too, stuck to a person. Ranboo tried to run, hoping the scent of the End would quickly overtake that of the Overworld's.

Ranboo didn't know that behind him, Tommy was following, trying to stay hidden from everyone. He was desperate to get out of there, the Overworld. To be fair, it was so boring. He was having a bit of trouble breathing the bitter air, but he still tried. Any place was better than home.

The Ender prince got to his room, he closed the door. He didn't seem to notice or care that it was open a crack. He walked over to his vanity and took his crown right off again. He lifted up his hair to that stump, where that painfully white calling card of a horn would have twisted around his head. There wasn't a way to get rid of it permanently. He simply needed to chop it every once in a while. No way he could let it grow in, he already sticks out like a sore thumb in the End.

The door swung open but Ranboo didn't pay it any mind. He glanced in the mirror to the door. The blond teenager stared back. "⍜⊑, ⊑⟒⊬ ⏁⍜⋔- Tommy?" The prince spun on his heel to stare at the human looking back to him. "How the hell did you get here?? Don't know how dangerous this is! ☌⍜⎅⎅⏃⋔⋏!!"

"I didn't want to stay home."

"And you can't be here!! Don't you understand? You're gonna die here, they're gonna kill you!"

"Then why didn't you?"

Ranboo stood, the snow was about three inches higher than his ankles. He had his arms tucked close to his torso to keep himself warm. He continued wandering in the direction he'd seen other Endermen walk thousands of times. He knew there was a house there.

Ranboo heard humming. He saw footsteps.

Logically, he followed it.

He ended up seeing a blond kid, leaning against the tree. He wore a white shirt with red sleeves, a green bandana around his neck, khakis, and sneakers. The only way he was ready for the cold was with the blue coat he had on.

The boy looked up and Ranboo saw his pale blue eyes. He stared for a few moments then grinned. "You're a fucking weird lookin' Enderman. Never seen one with a crown, either."

"Yea people never try to talk to me either."

"Wait shiT YOU CAN TALK!" He started struggling to get up, the snow was causing a slip and slide type effect.

"Well yes. I mean all Endermen can. I just speak English, so you can understand me."

"Wait so you have a name??"

"Yep. I assume you do too...?"

"I'm Tommy. W-what about you?"

"I'm Ranboo."

"Dude your fucking cool!"

Ranboo put his face in his hands, mumbling something mixed in Ender and English.

"Listen, that isn't important," Ranboo said as he tried to get his composure. Footsteps approached, so Ranboo opened his closet door and gestured for him to get in. "Someone's coming. Hide."

After a few conflicted moments, Tommy slid in and Ranboo shut the door.

"Ranboo," boomed the voice of Pyon. He was a royal guard, assigned specifically to him. He didn't pay attention most of the time though. He wore his dark armor bearing the royal symbol with such pride, but it didn't mean anything. At most it was a slight resemblement of the fact he could sometimes beat the shit out of people. "Evidently, when you were absent from the palace, a human was spotted. Like from the Overworld. By several individuals."

Ranboo was tired of Pyon picking on tiny things like that. He only did his job half the time, but when he did, he was way too intense about it, picking out small details and blowing them way out of proportion. So he just didn't say anything.

"If anything has gotten into here through the portal, it will be your fault."

"I don't see why. You guess decided to leave it open-"

"It's hidden, though. Well hidden. The only way something from the Overworld could have gotten in here is if something let it in."

"Are you suggesting that I have been walking around the Overworld?"

"It would fit the character of the Fraud Prince. I know you wouldn't be loyal. You're a hybrid for Void's sake."

Now, Ranboo stayed silent. He tended to when Pyon brought that into the conversation. He willed himself not to look over to where Tommy was hiding.

"Don't you remember what happened last time you said that and the King caught you?"

"Understand that if you're the reason a human has reached the End, your head will be on a silver platter."



"Yea, whatever, just get out of here."

Pyon watched Ranboo for a few moments, his eyes flicked around the room for a few seconds, looking for something to nitpick. When he didn't find anything, he resentfully and hastily left Ranboo's room.

Ranboo waited for the footsteps to go quiet as Pyon walked away. The prince sighed. He walked back over to the closet and pulled the door open. He was so pissed at Tommy, he was pretty sure his blood might've actually been boiling. How could someone be so stupid as to follow an Enderman into the End? Everyone knows how dangerous it could be, even little kids are taught about the dangers of the End.

Not only the dangers, but the superstitions. Endermen are bad omens. Humans think they appear and anything bad would happen. Ranboo had even received attacks and threats when he was simply wandering around the Overworld. Humans get very superstitious. This one was probably just stupid. He'd have to be.

"Tommy, people saw you! They know a human is here, and they are going to blame me!" Ranboo growled. "I'm getting you home, because you can't stay here."

"I don't want to go home either."

"But you can't stay here! It isn't safe, it isn't a good idea, you'll end up in jail or being tortured or anything worse they can think of. Trust me- it isn't a good idea!!"

Tommy looked back at Ranboo anxiously. Ranboo bit the inside of his lip, he didn't mean to be a total prick about it. The hybrid took a step back and a deep breath. He ended up locking his door and opening a window to breathe in the End's air. He stared out the window.


He didn't look up but hummed lightly as a response.

"How are you going to get me back...?"

The prince breathed deeply again. "I don't know. Probably at night. Less of a chance they'll see you."

Tommy paused for a few more moments. It took a bit too long for him to gather the courage to say what he wanted to. "I didn't know it was gonna be so dangerous to follow you here."

"I didn't tell you. Mostly because I thought you wouldn't even try to follow me, and because I assumed most people would know. It's weird you don't." Ranboo blinked for a long moment, then he wandered away from the window. He leaned against the wall and made eye-contact with Tommy.

Tommy looked back.

"I'm going to get you home, and then you're staying put."

The blond paused for a moment, then he nodded.

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