Part 12 - Confession

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Bold = Ender or just the written language

Regular = just English

I don't think this chapter needs any tws but if you think it does feel free to correct me :D

- /★\ -

Ranboo never expected this to happen. He was being forced down on one knee with Tommy beside him and his father in front of him. He already knew the outcome. He was going to be sentenced to Death. This whole court thing was just putting on a show, and nobody liked a human, and nobody wanted a hybrid prince. They would be killed.

"Ranboo, I tried- I just- I couldn't. I couldn't cry," Tommy said.

"I noticed. And I-I-I mean, it's okay. We-e're going to be executed, we might as w-w-well be on good t-t-terms when we die."

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded the King. "Why is the heir to the throne on the ground now?"


"He was caught sneaking around the palace after his disappearance. With that human," Pyon growled, he pushed Ranboo's head down further as he talked so he couldn't look at anyone. Save face. I just need to save face. I can still get out of this. I still can go back to a normal life.

"What are you suggesting?" The King demanded. "That my son is a criminal?"

"Not just this human," Skyla said. "A dragon too. The one that conveniently arrived just as he made is escape."

"Ranboo is this true?"

Ranboo didn't say anything. He didn't want to face his problems because there was a chance they would just go away and he would be fine and everything would go back to normal. He should just leave it be, because something was definitely going to come up, and he would be aright.

"This is stupid," Pyon growled. "This boy is ridiculous and petty. I say we execute him, drown him."

I just need to save face. They wouldn't execute me... I hear that but drowning me?? T-they know that I would just suffer ten times longer that a Enderman. They know that.

"Hey. You don't get to suggest that. You are nothing but a servant. You don't get an input, understood?" The King got off his throne and stepped towards Ranboo.

"Kid, look at me." It took a few moments for Ranboo to do so. "Is all that true?"

"...Yes- it is but you don't understand! I-"

"See? He confessed!" Pyon hissed.

"R-ranboo? What's happening?" Tommy asked. Ranboo risked a glance to him, he was horrified. That makes sense, he had no clue what was happening and he might even be on death row.

"I can't tell."

"Pyon, you cannot make calls. Not in my kingdom."

"Just make a damn sentence," Skyla exclaimed.

The King stared in disbelief. After a few moments, his gaze began flicking between Tommy and Ranboo. It was the slowest ten seconds of his life.

"Exile... We will exile Ranboo."

He was relieved. He was still going to be alive... Alive with no home. He started to panic a little and tried to get up, but Pyon was still forcing him down.

"And the human?"

"See no issue with curiosity. We will just send it home, they always fine their ways. It's odd."

"Ranboo what-t happened? Are they going to kill us?"

"...I'm being exiled. You're going home."

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