Part 2 - Courtyard

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Bold = Ender (or its just the actual written language)

Regular = English

warning for a little bit of swearing :)

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"How come you only got one horn?" Tommy had asked a dozen questions by now. Ranboo was sitting on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tommy was sitting at the hybrid's bookcase, poking at the titles of books in Ender as if trying to read them.

"Endermen have horns and I guess the other thing doesn't."

"I saw that thing in the mirror, it looked like another horn was supposed to be there."

"Don't poke."

"So-rry!" His voice was laced with sarcasm.

"Okay, but what about the crown?"

"We've been over this! Royalty, prince, my castle, my room in the castle."

Tommy layed down and stretched out his back, sighing. Ranboo watched him curiously. It was interesting to watch Tommy do what he does. The prince wasn't sure if it was simply because he in specific was odd, or because that was human culture. But nonetheless he enjoyed watching.

Ranboo was always interested in everything else. He learned English so he could sneak out to the Overworld and try to talk to some people. He was just really curious. Other people suggested that he was planning to run away there, whenever he heard these rumors it made him laugh out loud.

The books were sprawled around Ranboo, who was sitting on his bed and flipping through five different books at random. The only thing that made these books any different is that he had gotten them from the overworld where it was written in English.

He had a dictionary that he held in his right hand as he sporadically leafed through other books, using it to sound out words and find their meaning. He had been doing this for hours now. Pyon hadn't caught on, if he had, then he might be arrested for treason or something. Ranboo found it so funny how hard he tried to get him in trouble.

Why did he want to teach himself the language of the Overworld? Because he was curious, he wanted to explore, he wanted to talk to the locals. He was so excited when, after about three months, he managed to get to 'broken English' with several words pronounced wrong.

He would do it for as long as it takes, because let's be honest, Ranboo had nothing better to do. But if he could talk to people, now that would be exciting. Plus he'd be the talk of the town and-

Ranboo nearly fell off his bed when the door flew open and Pyon was there, bang, bang, bang...

Bang, bang, bang...

Tommy continued thumping his foot on the bookshelf, taking Ranboo out of memory lane. The hybrid prince sat himself up and looked at Tommy, then out of the window where it was now dark.



"Let's go. It's late, really late, so we need to leave."

Ranboo stood up and walked past Tommy, who was watching with interest. Ranboo opened his closet again and pulled out a dark cloak, it would help Tommy blend in. He was tall, for a person though. Endermen were taller. But maybe he could pass as a little kid. That might work.

Ranboo explained that to Tommy.

"What about if someone tries to talk to me in... uh... not English?"

"Ender. In that case I'll say you don't talk yet."

"I'm not a little kid, though! It's not going to work."

"It will. You'd be surprised with the amount of things that people get away with here. That's coming from a prince, I've never been in the city a day in my life." Ranboo tossed the cloak to Tommy, who was grimacing.

Tommy begrudgingly put it on, the hood covered his face. Ranboo started to lead the way down through the halls, filled with portraits of royalty and various flowers in pots, everything was black or purple or yellow, sometimes a dash of green or red. It matched Ranboo's eyes. The whole palace was snobby and overrated, Tommy seemed in awe by it though. Ranboo walked silently as if he was just gliding through, Tommy was hitting the ground loudly.

Soon they made it outside. The courtyard was a square, about thirty-five feet by thirty-five feet. There were various types of flowers that filled the edges, following the color scheme of the inside of the palace. Stone paths from all of the exits feeding into a large display area with a portal in the middle, leaving to the Overworld.

But next to the portal was a guard. She spotted Tommy immediately. She didn't have time to notice Ranboo because as soon as he spotted the guard, he ran slightly back into the castle.

"Hey! You! What's your business here?" He heard her shout. Ranboo stood close to hear it for a few moments, hesitating to leave him.

Tommy was frozen, staring blankly at her.The guard grabbed him and the hood fell off.

"You're that bitch everyone's lookin' for, huh?" He pulled Tommy further towards the castle. Towards the dungeon.

Ranboo took a deep breath, then he bolted back to his room, silently moving through the place. He wouldn't get caught. He couldn't. He can deal with Tommy in the morning. Hopefully.

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